chapter 12

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"Oh my goodness, Ems, they can't even last a week without fighting?!" Lizzy yelled.

"I know, Lizzy. I know." Emily nodded, understanding why her best friend was in a bad mood.

"It's ridiculous. How long are they going to go on with this? In fact how did this fucking war start?!" Lizzy screamed in frustration and Emily just sighed.

''I don't know, Lizzy, I really don't know.'' Emily sighed and Elizabeth ran her hands through her hair. "W-why haven't you been eating?" Emily looked at her enraged and concerned.

Elizabeth looked at the ground, as if she was ashamed. "How's you and Dani?" She asked, trying to change the subject. Emily looked at her angry.

"You must be very stupid to think I don't know that you're changing the subjects. I've been best friends with you since we were six years old,Lizzy." She raised her eyebrows looking at her expectantly.

"I know. Could we just not talk about this now,Ems, please." She looked at Emily pleadingly. Suddenly, they heard shouting downstairs.

"Well, maybe if you didn't cheat on my sister, I wouldn't have a problem with you!" Daniel yelled and Elizabeth inhaled sharply.

"You've always had a problem with me! I love that girl?! I would die for her." Elizabeth sat on the stairs, waiting for the pointless arguing to end. It took them almost an hour to realise she was there.

"Oh, hi Lizzy. I was just having quality time with Dani here." They both faked smiled.

"Unbelievable." Emily stated and shook her head while rolling her eyes. Elizabeth was just looking at the ground with her eyebrows furrowed.

"Lizzy? Lizzy, are you okay?" Daniel and James looked at her expectantly. She looked up and glared at them, enraged, they flinched knowing she heard EVERYTHING. She grabbed her stuff and looked over at Emily.

"Come on, Ems, let's go." Elizabeth demanded with her jaw clenched.

"Lizzy?" Daniel and James looked at her pleadingly and she just raised her hand midway stopping them from talking.

"No." She mumbled. "Talk to me when you stopped being such immature imbeciles and Daniel?" She paused for a second and he bit his lip knowing what was about to happen. "Never get into my personal love life again, idiot. I'm sixteen; not everyone is supposed to have the perfect love life straight away. Now, I suggest you both get your heads out of your asses."

Elizabeth walked out of the house while Emily followed her, slamming the door but not before sending Daniel a murderous glare.  They ended up walking into the woods. Elizabeth strided confidently while Emily looked scared.

"Lizzy, do you not remember what happened at this place?" Emily asked her while Elizabeth shrugged.

"I don't care anymore."

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