Trapped With Tricksters

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"Agh, that's gonna take a lot of whiskey to go away," Constantine said as he rubbed his head, returning to consciousness. Devilish and wicked laughter echoed throughout the cylindrical room he seemed to be trapped in, yet the voices seemed to come from nowhere and everywhere at the same time. "What in the hell do you lot want then?"

The voices snickered and sneered, and Constantine could just barely make out whisps of shadows floating across the room, dissapearing as they passed by. "Oh, come on! Not these blasted Tricksters." Constantine stood up, realizing as he said it aloud that that is in fact what they are.

"C'mon, tell me what you want then! I'm not gonna partake in your games so you can just skip that part, and get down to business!" All of the demons seemed to ignore him, and began to chant things in his ears, and in his mind.

He rolled his eyes, "oh forget it." He pulled out his favorite lighter, and flicked it a few times, a bright yellow flame lighting up, its warm glow pushing away the shadowy creatures. Constantine's eyes rolled back in his head, and he began to chant a spell, one of which was known to him and only him; because he created it.

He repeated the incantation, getting louder and louder each time. "No no no no, no nooo..." The Tricksters continued to cry out, as one by one the began to implode, getting sent straight back to hell. The flames from the lighter shot out, a bolt hitting each and every one right in the center. Finally, after a few minutes of this, and the little retaliation being warped images of sending that little girl to hell playing over and over in his mind, he used all of his might to push past then and ignore it, and finally, he broke free of the demon's tricks. He fell to his knees, panting, gasping for air. Sweat dripped off of his forehead and onto the ground. "Right then. Now to find a way out of this place."

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