Oh Bullocks

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Chapter 3

Constantine hailed down a taxi-cab as it almost sped past the motel's lot, and hopped in, exhausted from the previous weeks' events. "Oh bullocks," he said, breathing in deeply, "I need to go to the train station, quickly if you will, love." The middle-aged African-American woman chuckled, and nodded towards him, knowing he was in hurry.

The taxi-cab took off with a screech, tire marks being left behind as it tore down the street towards the train station. Constantine's eyes widened as he held onto his seat for dear life. "I wouldn't be against you slowing down a bit, Love" he said, staring at the driver through her rearview mirror. She pursed her lips, looking back at him. "Oh I know I can honey, but this is MY cab, and its MY rules, is that clear?" She asked, staring right back at him. He smirked, "crystal."

They soon arrived at the station, Constantine getting out and kindly paying her before she sped off to prey on another unsuspecting victim that only wanted a cab ride. He shook his head, scoffing as he made his way to the ticket counter, ready to take his ride to redemption.

"One ticket to Liverpool please" he said as he pulled out his near-empty wallet. Apparently being a magician, conman, and occasional dabbler in the dark arts didn't pay very well. He graciously accepted the ticket, and walked onto the boarding deck, awaiting his train.

Looking down at his watch, he saw he still had another half-hour to go. "Oh bullocks," he muttered to himself, nodding towards the staring stranger standing next to him. Walking over and sitting down on a quite uncomfortable bench, he picked up a copy of the daily news- one that covered the story of a missing girl on the front page.

Constantine immediately scowled, knowing exactly what happened to that girl. But he knew if he did anything to let the truth be known, he would not only cause the worried family more harm, but he would end up in an institutional facility...again.

Eventually the large locomotive pulled up to the station, followed by John hurriedly rushing aboard. And once he was comfortable in his seat, alone, he closed his eyes, hoping to catch some much needed Shuteye, but that was quickly interrupted when a figure suddenly appeared next to him. Constantine looked over, angrily. "Hello, John. We need to talk," the figure said. "Oh, bullocks..."

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