Chapter 6

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Jungkook POV
As I was waking trough the halls I already knew this wasn't going to be good. I knew what my mother was capable of. As I got there I opened the door
' mother ? You wanted to see me ?'
She looked at with sharp piercing eyes
" what is that boy to you ? Huh ?! "
I tried my hardest to keep my face normal so she wouldn't suspect me lying.
' mother come on he's nothing but a slave to me nothing but an enemy '
She scoffed
' don't think I'm stupid jungkook '
" mother he really isn't anything " please believe me .
' okay then you wouldn't care if I killed him ?' She looked at me and smirked she's mocking me .
" you aren't killing him . He's my slave . My property. Mine I'm going to make his life hell I promise you that . I tricked him okay ? I need to be able to gain his trust and make him love me so I could crush him "
' then hurt him soon  I want to see him heartbroken I want to see him weak '
With that I nodded and smiled.
" I have someone you can trick him with , the namjoon household has a girl I'll pay them to bring her here "
' yes please let me know when she comes '
With that I walked out of the room .
I need to distant myself from him right now .
Jimin POV
I saw with him at the table I was anxious I didn't know what it was but what ever hoseok told him , jungkook looked worried. I'll just wait until he comes back or I could go to his room ! Yes
I start to get up when a hand hold me down
" where are you going Jimin ? " that hand belonging to hoseok apparently my guard now he's always with me
' I'm gonna go see jungkook he's probably findished '
He looked at me sad. I just brushed it off I made my easy to his room and knocked
"Come in "
' hey jungkookie I was just wondering if I could sle-'
" no I don't need the cuddles tonight I think we cuddled enough no ?  "
Need the cuddles ? Tonight ? Why isn't he looking at me
' oh uh okay yeah uhm I'll go back to my room rest well '
He's probably just tired . Yeah he's tired that's all
I started resembling the memories of tonight and I smiled to myself. Drifting peacefully to sleep.

Jungkook POV
He came to see me . Oh how much I'm going to hate this why did I have to love him why didn't I stop myself you have to hurt him break him make him weak
I'll start by distancing myself that'll make it easier eve if I just want to kiss him all the time. Maybe one last cuddle would be great just one last time with him .
I started walking to his room I had the key so I just decided to let myself
' hey baby sorry ab-'
What no no how could he .. he's
' JIMIN ! '
And who is that oh it's taehyung that son of a bitch.

Jimin POV 
I was peacefully sleeping when I heard someone open the door
'Jungkookie feeling better '
He didn't answer weird but he wrapped himself around me grabbing me making me moan and whimper he turned me around same time he was going to kiss me the door opened and what I saw made me realize
It's not jungkook .
"Jimin ! "
' jungkook ! It's not it's not what it seems I thought it was you he opened the door by himself and you're the only one that has the key '
" then how did he get it ?! "
He looked angry his eyes they were full of anger i was afraid of what was going to happen
" jungkookie ? Hah ! He even gave you a pet name ? Wah you really did go low brother "
What brother ? That's jungkooks brother ?
' jungkookie please believe me ! ' I didn't even notice how much we were yelling until Jin and hoseok were at the door.
' jungkook please let me talk to you , you have to listen to me I love y-'
My words stopped and my head stopped working when I felt a sting in my cheek.
He hit me
" jungkook no ! " hoseok ran to him holding him back while Jin rushed to me
I just looked at him with disbelief and hurt.
That's when I felt it again that feeling of my heart being shattered
" you're nothing but a slut ! A slave ! You're worthless piece of ! Hah good thing I never loved you oh by the way you were great in bed baby boy "
' you never l-loved me ? ' it came out more of a whisper.
" of course not it's part of the plan just like it was to take your innocence "
He lied to me . He never loved me . I'm worthless . I'm just a slave .

Hoseok POV
While me and Jin were at the kitchen we heard yelling
"Jungkookie please believe me ! "
He's mad .
When we walked in all I saw was slap
Jimin fell and he just sat there looking up at jungkook with hurt he was holding his face and crying.
' jungkook no !' I held on to him in case he wanted to do something else I know how bad his anger is I don't want him to hurt Jimin not him.
He the started saying words words that I knew hurt Jimin as much as gunshots. I saw him he died a little bit at each word.
I dragged jungkook out not wanting Jimin getting hurt
' what the fuck is wrong with you ?! Huh !? '
" let's go of me hoseok he deserves it he - "
' jungkook he didn't do anything ! '
" oh shut up he probably gave himself to you also "
Yelling it loud enough that I knew Jimin heard
' jungkook stop ! You know how manipulative taehyung is !'
At that moment I saw jungkook change his whole face changed I knew he understood what I meant.
"Either way it's better if it's like this .."
' what do you mean you wanna hurt him ???! '
" my mom will kill him if I don't make her believe I don't love him and I just want to hurt him ."
" I don't want him to die "
I understood I didn't want him to say more than he could so I just nodded
' go to you're room get some rest I'll go see him '
I walked back into the room and saw something that broke my heart he sat there curled up in Jin's arms crying ' why dosent he love me ? Why am I not enough ?'.

Author POV
From that day on Jimin stayed with jin in the kitchen it was the only place he didn't have to see jungkook. They haven't talked since then , yes they've seen each other but the only thing that is shared is glances.
Namjoons niece got there 5 days after that incident and Jimin was left heartbroken after hearing that jungkook and Mia were in a relationship. Jungkook mother still tries her hardest to hurt Jimin.
Jimin POV
The queen came to talk to me. She said I was in jungkooks service
Great just when I was getting used to be in the kitchen I have to go back with that asshole.
I don't have the energy even more now that I've been skipping meals I just don't the appetite anymore.
I soon went to knock at his door. I haven't been here in what feel like forever
"Come in "
' you're mother told me to inform you that she was taking your g-girlfriend out '
Don't cry not in front of don't
"Oh okay thanks "
' uhm you need help with anything else ? I'm on your service from now and on '
" no you could go be somebody's else fuckbuddy"
That hurt
'I miss the old you '  I sadly smiled I didn't notice I said that out loud
I walked out as soon As I could ' call me if you need me goodbye '
I ran to my room as fast as I could didn't even notice I was already crying.

I locked the door behind me and letting everything out. That's when I saw it I saw the mirror and I punched it . It hurt but it felt so good.
It took my mind away from everything I liked the effect. I picked a piece cutting into my body hating everything about me my thighs these fat thighs , my stomach I hate it I hate me
' WHY ME ??! ' I sat the sobbing when i saw the door open and Jin peep
" Oh my god JIMIN ! HOSEOK!!"
I started to feel sleepy I was so exhausted I just wanted to sleep.

Okay it over after this but still

I woke up on my bed I noticed I had bandages in my body covering the cuts I left. I looked around and saw jin
'J-Jin?' I said weakly
" oh you're awake good "
' what happened ? After ?'
"You just you were tired and you're body was weak it couldn't handle everything you were throwing at it "
I just nodded ' he-he hasn't came ? '
" we didn't tell him we weren't sure if seeing him was good idea "
I just nodded . I wanted him to be here but he's right I don't think it'd be good for both of us .
' thank you ' I smiled he gave me a smile but a worried sad smile.
" go back to sleep alright ? You need the rest "
I closed my eyes soon whimpering. I wanted to be home don't get me wrong I have come to love my friends here it's good to have him here he's been more of a mother and hoseok he's been nice to me like a brother but I can't stop thinking about my home.  My father also oh my father he's someoen I won't be able to see even if I do leave. I closed my eyes and drifted to sleep.

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