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After school Madison and Joe went for a walk with Ansel Dock and Joes other best friend Biaggio Locky. Biaggio is a boy with dark brown hair and blueish eyes and Ansel has brown hair with Green eyes. Madison doesn't talk with them much but she feels she will be spending a lot of time with them.

Biaggio speaks "so Joe were you on time for class today?"

"Come on Biaggio is that a trick question. Of course not." Joe relied

Ansel laughed.

Madison kicked rocks while she walked not speaking at all. Until Joe realized she wasn't really included in the conversation they where having. Or what ever it was they were doing.

"Hey Madison how was your day?" Joe asked.

Madison looked up. "Oh uh fine".

Biaggio spoke. "Madison your boring."

Madison looked at Biaggio and smiled. "I'm not boring it's just that I don't know you much so I'm not talking to you a lot."

"Madison's not boring Biaggio." Says Joe

"Just last night she climbed to the top of her roof when I came to her window."

Biaggio looked at Madison "well that doesn't prove anything to me."

Madison laughed. "What you want me to do something that proves I'm not boring?"

"Actually yes I do." Biaggio continued.

Ansel smiled. "I doubt you'll do anything he tells you."

Madison took this offensive. "What cause I'm a boring girl I can't do Adventurous stuff? Huh?"

"No no, I'm just joking." Ansel chuckled.


They all walked to Joes house and sat in his backyard. Joes house wasn't small or big it was just average he had a pool in the back but he didn't really use it. He said he rather swim in a lake.

They all sat in a line by the pool, not saying anything just starring at the water. Madison decided to speak for everyone.

"What are you guys doing for summer?"

They sat there thinking. "I have no idea." They all spoke. Except for Joe.

"I'm running away to the woods and making a house there." Spoke Joe.

They looked at him with a "confused" look.

"You serious Joe?" Biaggio asked.

"Hell yea Biaggio." My parents suck I can't do any thing so I'm leaving."

"Can we come?" Madison spoke. She surprised her self and every one. Especially Biji.

"If you want to. Just know that I'm dead serious. You can't chicken out."

Ansel and Biaggio looked at each other. "Yea I'll go if you go Ansel."

"Then I'll go if you go Biji."

Joe smiled at Madison and Madison smiled and looked down. Biji and Ansel went to Ansel's and Madison stayed at Joes.

"So when do you think we should all go to the woods." Madison asked

"This weekend." Joe replied shifting towards Madison.

"This weekend?" She asked.

"Yup. I rather do it before I change my mind."

She looked at him a little worried but quickly changed her expression.

"My parents thought I was having sex cause they found a condom in the house."

Joe laughed loud. And Madison started to laugh to. He put his arm around her shoulder. "Oh Madison Hills your hilarious."

"How?" Madison questioned.

"You just randomly blurted that out. Totally of topic." He smiled.

"Oh, okay." She smiled.


Madison went home because it was Thursday and Joe told them they would leave Friday so she wanted to get stuff she might need in the woods.

Joe said they should all meet at his house on Friday at 10:00 with there stuff he said not to pack much.

Madison ran straight to her room when home. She emptied her book bag and put some clothes in there. Then she packed a small bag with other random stuff. She stuffed the bags under her bed. Her mom came into her room to tell her that dinner is ready.

She hurried down the stairs and sat at the table. They ate in silence tonight.

Until her little brother farted.

Madison laughed and so did her mom and dad surprisingly. After dinner Madison went to bed.

She felt funny thinking it was the last time she would sleep on this bed.


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