Dazed and Confused

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We woke up in the morning and Heard Logan doing his daily annoying vlog. We walked out to see Lydia making us breakfast

Liv: awwe Lydia you're the best

Jocelyn: youre like my older sister I love you so much

Lydia: I love you guys too

Logan: shut up I'm tryna vlog.

Liv: Sorry bro I'm still mad about last night with the boys and you calling me Olivia

Logan: thats ur name

Liv: yeah I left that behind too many bad memories with that. Now I'm just Liv

Jocelyn: what time are we leaving to meet the boys today??

Logan: still tying to vlog here but around 11 like yesterday

Jocelyn: OK

We sat and ate our breakfast and chatted with Lydia then we went back into our rooms and made Lydia pick out our outfits again today.

We sat and ate our breakfast and chatted with Lydia then we went back into our rooms and made Lydia pick out our outfits again today

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^^livs outfit

^^Jocelyns outfit

Jocelyn: Thanks babe

Liv: Thanks my girlll

Lydia: of course and I know how much Liv likes Aliens so...😂

Logan: Omg look at them stunning

Liv: stop stop Logan

Logan: come on you guys 'slay' as you young ppl say

Jocelyn: thanks dude, I'll take the compliment if you don't Liv

We then got in the car and headed to the boys house. When we got there we all ran up to the door and started over dramatically pounding on it.

Jonah: omg what is... Oh hey guys

Liv: we could've been dying and all we get Is a "oh hey guys"?!?!

Jonah: yeah I'm just tired

Jocelyn: that tired that you wouldve let us die??

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