Mind Games

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Me and Jocelyn went to Starbucks to catch up with Christina she ran up to us right away

Christina: Omg guys nice to see you again ive missed y'all so much

Jocelyn: Omg I'm so happy you're here I just want to cry right now.

Christina: Awe please dont. Why??

Liv: Because Lydia told the boys she liked Daniel.

Jocelyn: I wanted to tell him myself but Lydia goes out and does it for me. Logan looked at me like a freak.

Christina: Awe girl its OK. Imma call Corbyn and Lydia and get them here to talk. Should I bring Logan??

Liv: no please, not yet. Hopefully they werent told about Jack

Christina: Wait you like Jack??

Liv: Yeah....

Christina: Awe omg goals

Liv: thanks boo

Then after about 30 sobs and 59 hugs, Corbyn and Lydia walked through the door, immediately Corbyn kisses Christina and Lydia tries to give us hugs.

Jocelyn: No dont touch me, I fucking trusted you.

Lydia: I'm so sorry. I was just trying to help

Liv: did u tell them about Jack too??

Corbyn: What?

Liv: please dont tell corbyn

Corbyn: I promise Liv, you're like my little sister, but anyone know why Zach was crying???

At that moment me and Jocelyn both look at each other... Annonmyous

Christina: What?

Liv: Ive been getting weird texts from annonmyous and they said it was one of the boys so I think its Zach....

Corbyn: every night hes in his room on his phone by himself

Liv: Omg it could be him....

Jocelyn: I'm sorry Lydia, I truly am.. Are we good??

Lydia: Of course, you should've told Daniel not me, if u want we can go back and all talk.

Jocelyn: Sure.

Liv: Christina, Corbyn u guys coming with??

Christina : Nae we just gonna stay and hang a little bit if thats OK.

Jocelyn: totally fine

Corbyn: And Jocelyn, dont worry you are gonna be OK, at least he knows and it will all work out soon

Jocelyn: thanks bro ilysm

Liv: this is why corbyns my brother.

We then all head back to the apartment to see big roses scattered outside and Logan standing there waiting

Logan: bout time. GUYS THEYRE HERE. *Logan screams through the door*

Jocelyn: what's going on??

Logan: you'll see dont worry its ok, by the way this is going on my vlog.

We walk in to see the boys singing and harmonising but only Daniel truly singing "taking you" to Jocelyn, at the end he holds up a tulip and asks her out.

Jocelyn: Omg Daniel, of course

Jocelyn then starts histarically crying

Daniel: its OK its OK

Logan: kiss her bro

Daniel: shut up

Jack: do ittttttt

Jonah: yasssssss

Zach: omg yes

They then leaned in and densely kissed. Omg that was perfect.

Liv: omg I'm crying this is so cute, its official.

They both posted on insta making it official and almost all the comments were good but a few negative.

Jack: dont worry bout the haters, they dont matter.

Logan: awe best new couple out there. By the way... Y'all know how I'm going to burning man?? Who wants to come with, Frank and Evan arent going anymore

Lydia, Jocelyn, Daniel, Me, Jack and Zach all raised are hands.

Logan: you dont wanna come Jonah??

Jonah: Naw I should prolly stay and third wheel with Corbyn and Christina.

Logan: well next time Lil bro. We are leaving on friday, thats in two days so, y'all better pack weird stuff quick

Liv: I'll just go shopping with ur card.

Logan: sounds good. We will do that tomorrow, let's get some dinner.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2017 ⏰

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