Liv is Logan's little sister, you move to L.A. with Logan from San Diego, you bring your best friend Jocelyn with. you get to learn the life of Logan and Meet the Boys...Why Dont We boys
Liv I wake up in the morning to the sound of Logan breaking plates, no not vlogs, I dont wanna be in the vlog. At least Lydia's here. I wake Jocelyn up and tell her to be quiet so we can sneak up on Logan. Right when he is about to say "hey Logang what's popping?" We jump out and scare him to pieces.
Lydia: Good one guys
Logan: you saw them coming and didnt even tell me?!?
Liv: Sorry bro, I had to
Jocelyn: Come on you had to admit you almost crapped your pants.
Logan: the cameras still on but, yeah, yeah I almost did!
Lydia: You guys better get ready if you have to meet the boys at 11
*It was 10*
Liv: I forgot all about that crap what should I wear
Logan: idk are you like gonna hook up with one right now?
Jocelyn: shut up Logan, but Lydia can u come help us??
Lydia: of course anything for mahhh girllssss
Logan: stop dont do that
Lydia: sorry not sorry
Liv We went back into our rooms and made Lydia pick out our outfits for us.
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^^jocelyns outfit
^^livs outfit
Liv: thanks so much Lyds. Love ya like a sister
Jocelyn: same here
Logan: are you guys ready yet omg bro.
Liv: stop vlogging already
Logan: I'm a vlogger dumbo I can't stop
Jocelyn: that's kinda true
Liv We said bye to Lyds and got in the purple car and drove to the boys house and man was it beautiful, it was in the perfect place and was huge. It even had an in ground swimming pool. We got out and all walked up to the door.
Logan knocks on the door and Daniel answers. Daniel makes direct eye contact with Jocelyn
Logan: Hey my boys wassup
Daniel: Hey logan come on in, introduce us to your party behind you.
Logan: hey jack, Zach, Jonah, where's corbyn??
Jonah: out with Christina while shes still here.
Logan: man I love them together, anyway boys meet my sister Liv and her friend Jocelyn
Jack, Zach, Jonah and Daniel: Hey
Liv: Hey guys its so good to finally meet you.
Daniel Logan came to the door and behind him was this gorgeous girl probably 16? She was beautiful and her outfit was stunning she took the words right out my mouth.
Logan: so I'm gonna go and finish my vlog with Evan but I'll leave you guys here to hang.
Liv: sounds good with me
Jocelyn: yeah bye Logy
Logan: dont have too much fun without me!
Liv: Dont worry I won't.
Liv quickly winks at Jocelyn
Jonah Are we all gonna sit here and pretend Liv didnt just wink at Jocelyn or what??
Liv: so give us a tour
Jack: I gotcha
Liv Jack then lead me and Jocelyn all throughout the house and the backyard. Dang this house was lit asf.
Jack: so what do you guys wanna do? We can sit and watch a movie if you want to.
Liv: sure
Jocelyn We all sat down on the couch and put ths maze runner in, livs favorite movie ever. I sat between Zach and Daniel and Liv sat between Jonah and Jack. corbyn was still out with Christina which I dont mind. We were about halfway through the movie until Liv fell asleep on top of Jacks legs. We then all fell asleep, all I remember was walking up to the sound of Logan screaming
Logan: No No No everybody up, Liv come over here right now
Liv: What's wrong??
Logan: you sleeping on Jacks groin is the problem
Liv: omg chill it wasnt even that deep.
Jocelyn We all looked at each other while we heard Logan yelling at Liv.
Liv: You know what, whatever Logan I guess you cant trust me at all. omfg
Jocelyn: is everything all right??
Liv: No Logans being super protective, he doesnt even care that you and Zach cuddled because guess what?? Youre not his sister ugh its so annoying
Logan: come on we are leaving
Jack: Bro Logan you dont have to be like this
Logan: like this?? Bro she slept on you, you just met
Jonah: yeah and all we were doing was watching a movie
Logan: I dont care tell me tomorrow we are leaving bye guess
Liv Me and Jocelyn got up and said our goodbyes that were cut short by Logan, we got in the car and headed back to his apartment.
Lydia: Hey guys back early its only 6
Logan: yeah they decided to sleep with the boys so I took them back
Jocelyn: We were all just watching a movie then fell asleep omg.
Lydia: youre being a little dramatic Logan.
Logan: whatever lets get something to eat I'm starving
We hoped in the car and went to the waffle house we all sat and ate in mostly silence unless Lydia said something then headed home and got ready for bed.
Logan: I'm sorry Liv, I just dont like seeing my Lil sis grow up
Liv: whatever Logan I was trying to make friends but I guess they hate us now thanks
Logan: I'll take you to see them tomorrow if you want??
Jocelyn: I want to!!!
Logan: Joce wants to, what do you say?? You guys can hang and chat more then
Liv: I guess whatever dont get all tense this time, goodnight logy