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I wake up in the morning to see that I fell asleep on the couch with Logan beside me and Lydia on the other side, I could hesr someone in the bathroom and it was only Jocelyn. Then a violent knock on the door.

Coming I scream as I run for the door as I open it I see all the boys standing there I violently shake Lydia and Logan to wake up.

Logan: Liv what the hell??

Lydia: I was in a nice sleep Liv

Jonah: its not her fault we kinda interrupted

Logan: oh hey guys

Jocelyn: Liv who's here...omg the boys are here?!? Liv come over here

Liv: omg fine, guys u can come in

What Jocelyn I nearly scream, she pulls me into our room and tells me to be quiet.

Liv: so what's up?

Jocelyn: why didnt u tell me they were here?

Liv: I didnt know I was supposed to put a tracker on them and keep u updated

Jocelyn: you know I like Daniel I dont want him to see me like this

Liv: yeah and you know I like Jack

Zach stood next to the door trying to eavesdrop for everyone else. He knew what he heard but couldn't dare to tell them.

Logan: so Zach? What did u hear??

Zach: I couldn't hear anything, either the sond is muffled or they are really good at whispering

Jack: probably really good at whispering.

Lydia: maybe they just dont want people to find out, but I'm nosey so I'll go see.

Jonah: thanks Lyds.

Lydia: Sure thing Jonah

Me and Jocelyn were talking about how Joce wanted to tell Daniel when Lydia knocked on the door asking to come in, knowing Lydia and how great of a person she was, we let her in, big mistake for our future.

Lydia: so what's going on? Trust me I won't tell, I love you guys.

Then me and Joce told her the whole thing, Logan flipping out, us liking Jack and Daniel and the anonymous. Ugh why was this so hard it was only Lydia.

Lydia: Omg Joce go for it. I stg he liked you too. And Liv I think Jack likes you but chill until the whole annonmyous thing gets figure out

Liv: thanks Lyds. Come here for a big ol hug.

We all hugged tightly then let go and Lydia left and me and Jocelyn got dressed for the day.

Jocelyns outfit^^^^

Livs outfit^^^

After we got cleaned and dressed we went out by the boys. They all stared at us on shock like somebody just died

Daniel: Jocelyn why didnt you tell me??

Lydia: I'm sorry I was just trying to help

Jocelyn: what's going on??

Daniel: Why didnt you tell me you liked me?

Jocelyn: I'm sorry guys I cant do this right now I'm gonna go find Christina. Liv are you coming with??

Liv: Yeah, yeah I'm coming

When I walked out the door all of them looked at us, Logan and Daniel even tried grabbing me back but I couldnt help but cry because at that moment I knew who annonmyous was, the one crying by the door.

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