Shallow Love

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We wake up and Logan comes in the room screaming, what's wrong we both ask and he doesnt reply, next Lydia comes in screaming.

Liv: someone tell me what's going on right now.

Logan: there's a giant tarantula in there

Jocelyn: omg omg omg ew ew ew ew ewwwwwww.

Lydia: well someone has to clean it up, I'll call someone

Liv: ugh no its fine I got this

Logan: no dont get bitten

Liv: I'm not gonna dumbo

Logan: bro take the camera, vlog this.

Lydia: seriously

Jocelyn: it will he funny

Liv: fine

I walk out into the kitchen and see the thing right away, man it was huge I went a got a Tupperware from a cabiner and a lid, I poked some holes in it, next I had to get it in there. I just quickly grabbed it, midway through the grab the door flung open and all the boys walked in, when they saw me with the spider they all screamed I held the scared spider in my hands.

Liv: Guys chill its just a spider

Corbyn: a huge spider, hey I'm corbyn by the way I hear youre... Liv??

Liv: yea, nice to meet you, but I gotta get him outside be right back

I ran down the stairs and everybody followed they watched me in shock as I just gently put the spider down outside the doors.

Logan: wtf how'd u do that??

Liv: he wasn't gonna hurt us, he was just scared.

Jack: I can't believe you touched that thing

Jonah: wash, disinfect, get new hands

Liv: omg its fine

Jocelyn: at least we got it on camera

Lydia: you didnt even use the tupperware

We all made our ways back upstairs until I noticed I was still wearing PJs which consisted of just a long T-shirt, crap the boys saw me like this

We walked back upstairs and Lydia, Jocelyn and Liv all went back into their room. we didnt notice till we made it back That all she was wearing was a long tshirt

Jonah: bro youre staring again

Jack: dont get up on me Daniel was staring at Jocelyn

Logan: who was staring at who??

All: nothing

Liv: we all went into my room and made Lydia pick out our outfits because by now she was our personal stylist

Liv: we all went into my room and made Lydia pick out our outfits because by now she was our personal stylist

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^^jocelyns outifit

^^jocelyns outifit

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^^livs outfit

We walked back out to see Logan and the boys arguing

Zach: We just dont wanna tell you

Logan: why not I should be able to know because then I can give you advice

Jack: guys they're back out here

Jocelyn: hey guys wassup??

Jonah: Nothing much and I'll tell you Logan

Jack, Zach and Daniel: No!

Jonah: guys we have no choice

Corbyn: I'm so clueless

Jocelyn and Liv: Same bro same, wanna watch TV?

Me, Jocelyn and Corbyn all sat on the couch and watched TV while Jonah and the boys and Logan argued

Lydia: care If I join??

Corbin: Nope come sit down we are just watching The Flash.

Meanwhile in the hallway

Logan: OK so lemme get this straight,Jack likes Liv, Daniel likes Jocelyn and _________ also likes Liv but cant bcz of Jack??

Jonah: yea true.

Logan: omg wow, tmi tbh

Jack: you asked for it

Logan: I promise I won't tell who annonmyous is...

All: Good

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