The Newbie

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"There's really not much else to explain to you. It's quite simple." Mori explained, giving me a folder.

Mori had just finished explaining what I was supposed to do for my first interrogation. I slowly nodded. All I had to find out was the location and motives of some other organization. He kept gazing at me with some sort of interest. Again, I didn't understand why and I decided to look at his emotions.

I stared back at him momentarily before looking at my hand.

His emotions were pretty average, though the vertical line that represented happiness on my thumb was about halfway, spliting it that into quarters, the top quarter was a lot brighter than the rest of the line. I could tell his happiness category was a little higher than what it usually would have been. I looked back at him, and the emotion popped into my head. Figuring out the specific emotion, like yesterday, he was very amused.

"Are you.. reading me?" He asked, smiling.

"Yes." I responded before closing my hand and walking out.

I went down to the 6th floor and looked for the office I was assigned to. As soon as I found it I opened the door. It was pretty small and simple. All that was there was a desk and a computer. I sat in the chair and started doing what Mori had told me to earlier, set up an account and whatnot.

After about 20 minutes, I heard a knock at my door. I stopped typing and got up, opening it. I saw a short man, about my height. I could already tell that this was Chuuya, my superior, who Mori had described briefly to me earlier. I forgot that Chuuya was coming to introduce himself.

Chuuya's eyes were a cool deep blue. His orange-brownish hair framed his face quite nicely. A black hat with a red band around it was sitting on top of his hair. He had a long black coat hanging over his shoulders and I pursed my lips.

Why isn't he making use of the sleeves? Why does everyone in this Mafia not use the sleeves of their coats? Do they not know what the purpose of the sleeves are? I am concerned.

"Hello, Chuuya." I greeted.

"You know who I am?" He asked.

"Mori did describe my superior to me as a short man with blue eyes and orange hair. So I could only assume that is you." I explained.

"Excuse me. I am not short." He scoffed

"You are about 5 inches shorter than the average male height." I said.

Chuuya furrowed his eyebrows for a moment before closing his eyes and letting out- what I assumed to be, an upset sigh. I looked at my hand, reading his feelings. Anger was slightly higher than the rest. He was irritated and offended. I closed my hand and looked back at him. He looked at me, his expression now into a confused one.

"I didn't mean to offend you or cause you to be upset." I apathetically apologized.

"What? I'm not offended." He denied, now crossing his arms.

I stopped myself from showing him my hand. I didn't want to make my superior any more offended than he already was.

"Sure..." I said. "Anyways, is that all?"

"Well, I was supposed to introduce myself to you but I guess you already know who I am. [Y/N] is your name right?" He asked. I nodded my head.

"Good. You'll have to come with me now, it's time for your first mission." He explained, turning away.

I followed after him, closing my door. We walked all the way to the basement of the Port Mafia, he was telling me a few rules as we did. They had to do with something about Dazai.

As we walked down stairs in to the basement, it reeked of a scent that was familiar to me. Blood. I saw five men chained up to the wall. Guards stood everywhere. Dazai was standing in front of them, waiting patiently. His gazed followed me as I got closer to the chained up men.

"[Y/N]. It's good to see you again." He greeted as I walked passed him, not bothering to look at him nor reply back.

"[Y/N]." Chuuya called.

I turned around and looked at him, giving him my attention. He smiled widely as I did.

"Good." He simply said before waving me off.

I turned around and went back to studying all the men's emotions. It was rare that I ever gave attention to anyone. Chuuya had told me earlier that Dazai was a complete idiot and that contact with him should be very low, or else it would rub off on me. As much as I didn't understand how stupidity could rub off on someone, he was my superior and I had to be respectful.

"Anger, zero percent; Guilt, 70 percent; Fear, 40 percent." I said.

I watch their iris colors change into different shades of green, some of their expressions slowly changed into guilt and others, fear.

"Where is the location of you organization?" I asked.

"No, we can't tell you-"

"Yes you can and you will, or I will shoot you and kill everyone you know and love. Now answer my questions." I said, attempting to sound threatening.

It worked as they all started freaking out and telling me everything I needed to know with in a minute. I wrote down all their answers. I turned away and started walking.

"All emotions, off." I said, as I walked away.

They quiet down, they weren't moving as much. I already knew what was happening. Their eyes were turning black, all emotions were gone. I thought about trying a reset, as I've only done it once.

"Are they useless now?" I asked a guard close to me. He nodded and I looked back at the chained men.

"Erase all." I said, gazing at the lifeless looking men.

This was almost similar to a reset, but there were a few huge differences. With a reset, all of the emotions that they've experienced are now all permanently gone, but they can start feeling again, quickly learn new emotions. Unlike turning off all the emotions, where they couldn't feel anything at all and their emotions were only off until I turned them back on. There was one other way too, but that was for people with severe emotional neglect. It was possible for something or someone else to trigger those emotions even though I had turned them off.

I walked back to my office, Thanking chuuya on the way for showing me where I needed to go.


Emotions [Dazai x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now