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I let out a long sigh as I slouched in Mori's office chair. I was extremely tired and done.

Mori had asked me to do his work- again, his work. The Port Mafia boss, asked me a lower class, a completely useless person, to do his work. Why? Well his words were,

"You almost have nothing to do everyday. Your job here seems to be easy for you- at least from the reports that's what I've been seeing. Honestly, I'm going to be gone for a few days and I need someone, with a brain and diligence to do my work. I asked my executives, but they don't seem to be... the best people for this job and they are pretty busy themselves."

I wasn't completely aware of the fact that Mori has to assign and direct every mission and have business calls almost every 10 minutes.

I hated myself so much for agreeing. I thought that it wasn't going to be so hard, that it was just gonna be a simple, 'Direct every body here to do something,' type of thing. Oh was I so wrong.

It had been three days since I've started and I'm already dead inside. All day everyday was assigning missions for different people that I didn't even know exist in the Mafia. There were so many and it was stressful as hell.

The process goes something along the lines of this:

First, I start assigning missions to people, writing down the location, who, when and etc. I have to do that for multiple people- roughly about 40-50. They have to be done within a day, since Mori had at least half of them done, I had about 20 to do. But it doesn't stop there. It's a non stop process that will kick you in the ass if you break it. You have to continue assigning missions everyday, ones for the future. As well as assign more missions once people get their reports in from their last missions.

Business calls weren't that bad, Mori had already given me a fat stack of files containing what I what I needed to do or negotiate, or whatever it was that he wanted me to do. It wasn't to bad as the missions, at least I was being told what I needed to do. Missions were a little more difficult because there were times where the reporting came in, and I had to write in plans for the next mission- actually think of a plan and what to do next.

How does this man do this everyday, yet look like he's having the time of his life- like no.

My moments of serenity were shattered as I heard the phone ring. I let out a long dreadful groan as lifted my head up, proceeding to then let out a sigh.

"This is the Port Mafia headquarters, whom am I speaking to?" I greeting, with calm tone.

Hello. This is Yaku Mayuri. I have called to speak-

As he kept talking, I quietly pulled out a cabinet and searched through the files for his name. Once I found it, I slapped it on to the desk and flipped through the pages inside the file. I read the notes that Mori had left and continued on the with the call.

My hand cramped as I hastily wrote notes as the man on the phone continued to talk quickly. I heard the elevator ding, and ignored it as I kept writing notes. I felt someones presence linger in front of the desk, placing a paper down. Once the man stopped talking, I dropped the pen and looked up to see Akutagawa. He stared at me in confusion.

"Yes, I understand, thank you so much for your time. Goodbye." I said before I slammed the phone down.

I sighed as I took his report and shoved it in the file cabinet where all the reports were kept. When I looked back up, he was still standing there.

"Why are you here?" He asked. I looked at him with pure stupidity and squinted my eyes.

"What do you think?" I replied.

I was irritated. I couldn't stand talk to anyone because it meant that I was loosing time to finish up work. I'd end up going home at around 11 or sometimes midnight because there was just too much to do. He glared at me with anger as the elevator doors opened. Dazai quietly walked in as time waster here began to argue with me.

"Why would you of all people here, do his work? You're going to end up screwing the-"

I rolled my head back as he began to argue, ignoring what he was saying. After a few moments, I looked back at him and rested my head on my palm and I cut him off.

"What does this sound like? A you problem. You deal with it if you don't like it." I hissed. "I don't have time for your rants. I have work to do and so do you. In fact-" I reached down and pulled out a file with his name, slapping it on the desk. "Here. Stop pestering me and go do this. You being here is wasting my time. Goodbye." I said as I turned away from him and begin pulling out reports that were given to me earlier today.

Akutagawa made a sound of disapproval as he walked away. I began finishing up a mission I was assigning to the combat squad named, 'Black Lizard.' I heard a forced cough as I kept my head low.

"What is it Dazai?" I asked as I continued to look down at the paper I was writing on.

"At least say, 'Hi.'" He sighed. "I brought you lunch. You haven't been eating properly for the last few days. You stay here until late at night and you're always tired and moody, this isn't okay." He placed a plastic bag on top of the desk.

"Thank you. I just don't have time to." I sighed.

"[Y/N]." Dazai said in a demanding tone.

I slapped the pen down in annoyance and looked at him. He looked at me with concerned as he scanned my face. He let out a small sigh as he shook his head in disapproval. I let my head fall into my hands. I slowly rubbed my eyes for a few moments before looking back at him.

"I'm sorry. It's just a lot of work to do." I yawned as I covered my mouth.

I slowly got up and stretched. I went around the desk and Dazai took his hands out of his pockets and pulled me into an embrace. I let my face sink into his chest as I felt a wave of hunger and exhaust hit me.

"Why the hell did Mori have to put so much stress on you?" He muttered.

"The real question is how does Mori deal with so much stress?" I asked, pulling away from him and walking over to the small table in the center of the room.

Dazai grabbed the bag and followed after me. He sat down in the chair next to mine and placed the food on the table. The smell of meat instantly made my stomach growl as he took the packaged food out. Once he gave me my food, I started slowly, savoring every bite I took. I knew that this would probably be my last meal for the day.

"It's Friday. Come over to my place and we can relax." He suggested as we ate.

"I can't. I'm still going to have to work during the entire weekend." I replied quietly.

"What? No. There's no way I'm letting you continue to work yourself to death over the weekend." He scoffed.

I closed my eyes and stayed silent. I didn't want to argue with him or even think about the work I had. I just wanted to sleep and eat. He let out a small irritated sigh before continuing to speak.

"[Y/N], we haven't properly seen eachother. Not even during lunch. You need to give yourself a break. Get some human interaction or just rest for a few minutes, eat something-"

His voice droned out and I stopped eating, slowly chewing what I had left in my mouth. For a few moments I felt slightly relaxed, until I heard Dazai's voice snap at me.

"Are you even listening to me?" He asked in irritation.

"Can we please speak about something else? All you keep talking about is work and what not and if that's all you're going to be doing than I might as well just get back to doing it." I sighed, slowly meeting his gaze.

"I'm sorry. I just.. love you and care for you." Dazai mumbled, giving me an apologetic look.

I felt my heart swell up as I gave him a small smile. I blushed as I began eating again.

"So, what do you want to do later? Let's leave at 9." He suggested.

"Sleep." I instantly responded.


i had no idea what to name this chapter so yeah

Emotions [Dazai x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now