His Confirmation

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I walked out of the elevator and headed towards Chuuya's office. He had sent me a text saying something about going out tonight and having a drink with a few other people.

I made my way over to his door and opened it with out waiting for a response.

"Chuuya, I've never-" I stopped talking as I saw nobody inside.

I stepped in further, making sure he wasn't in here. I heard the door close behind me and I turned around, and saw Dazai. My breathing stopped for a second and I felt my heart rate slowly begin to increase.

Dazai walked closer to me and my eyes widened in fear as I stepped back, my bottom hitting the desk. He smiled as his face was inches away from mine.

"[Y/N], I would like you to answer a question." He said, leaning closer to me as I leaned back on the desk.

My hands were behind me, supporting me so that I was able to hold myself up. He put his hands down on the desk as he got closer. Our noses were centimeters apart and my heart beat got faster as a turning feeling in my stomach began to form.

"Why have you been avoiding me?" He whispered.

I kept my mouth shut as his eyes peered into mine. I could see excitement and eagerness. My cheeks reddened as his hand reached up and touched my cheek. His eyes widened.

"So I was correct.." Dazai smiled, clearly intrigued at my reaction.

I couldn't move, my body was frozen. As much as I was scared, I wanted him to do it. My emotions fought each other. Anger, Sadness, and Love. Each wanting dominance over the other in my heart.

Dazai leaned in and pressed his lips against mine. I tried resisting the urge to kiss back. I immediately knew this was wrong. Everything in my body told me it was wrong. I knew love had won the fight, my heart had made it feel right.

"Don't resist." He said, pulling away momentarily, before placing his lips back on mine, moving them slowly.

I couldn't help but melt. It was almost impossible at this point to even resist. Though I was still a little tensed, my lips slowly started moving in sync with his.

After a few moments, he pulled away, my face was burning. I looked at him in the eyes momentarily, he looked at me with surprise. I tried pushing him away, but he wouldn't budge.

"Now, when I sent that text, I meant it- but with me. Let's go out tonight." He smiled.

"How did you-"

"Chuuya is pretty careless about his belongings." He sighed, pulling out Chuuya's phone from the back of his pocket.

Dazai set the phone down on the desk. He looked back at me for a response.

"No." I said, looking away from him.

"Why? What are you so scared of?" He asked.

I bit my tongue very hard. I couldn't tell him and I wouldn't. My heart beat increased rapidly as he pulled me closer to him, embracing me.

"Please." He whispered.

"I.. I don't know.." I breathed.

"I'll take that as in, 'I'm only saying this because I don't want to admit that I want to,' answer." He laughed.

Dazai pulled away from me, letting me move away from the desk. Opening the door for me, I walked out. I wanted to bolt out of there and get far away from him. But how? The only exit was the elevator.

Dazai started walking towards the elevator, and I hesitated a little bit before following him.


We ended up at a restaurant. He told me that he wanted us to get to know each other better as we had just 'became more than friends.'

What the fuck did that even mean?

All we really talked about was the usual, 'get to know you' questions. I treated it as two friends eating dinner- that's what I saw it as. He started throwing obvious hints, letting me know that this was more of a 'date' than a night out.

Towards the end I was a little wasted- as I had never really had so much alcohol. Questions became more about my ability and what I could do with it. When ever I asked him a question about his ability, he dodged it pretty smoothly. I assumed that he was just embarrassed and he didn't want to talk about it. It was a little sketchy to me but I let it go.

We finished up our food and walked back to the Port Mafia.

"[Y/N], are you able to.. read me?" Dazai asked anxiously.

"I haven't done it yet. Do you-" I began opening my hand but he stopped me.

"No! It's- it's okay." He sighed, in relief?

We got to the front of the Mafia and he stopped me when I said goodnight and continued walking- My house was straight ahead. He pulled me into his arms and kissed me.

My heart started swelling up again. Dazai pulled away and looked me in the eyes before asking me to do something else.

"[Y/N]- can you.. lower a feeling for me?" Dazai asked.

I tilted my head and cocked an eyebrow.

"Which one and to what number?"

"Loneliness, zero percent." He said, leaning closer to me.

I shrugged my shoulders and did so, not thinking about why or asking any questions.

"Loneliness, zero percent." I repeated.

Something weird had happened. The blue stuff appeared, sort of, glitching. I felt some sort of shock in my heart for a second, nothing too harmful, but I felt my emotions go out of order for a few moments before returning back to normal.

Dazai's eyes were wide open, staring at me. He started laughing quietly. I couldn't tell if it was a happy kind of laugh or sad. He squeezed my shoulders and smiled widely at me. I looked at him with a weird expression before shaking off whatever happened.

"What did you mean when you said, 'more than friends?'" I asked, in a daze.

"Exactly what I said." He smiled.

"But I don't understand?" I hummed in confusion.

"Don't understand what?"

"We were never friends to begin with..?" I said, scratching my head. "At least I never considered us to be."

Dazai's eye twitched a little before he sighed.

"Just- you know what I mean." He smiled.

Dazai leaned in to kiss me one more time before leaving, being a little more aggressive. I turned around and left as well, still pretty confused.

So we're best friends now?



the reader doesn't know much about relationships.

Emotions [Dazai x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now