An Unexpect Fall

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I walked around with Chuuya, going through a few stores. We were looking at things and buying whatever seemed to catch our attention. So far, Chuuya had three bags. I had none.

I had managed to avoid Dazai all day yesterday. Chuuya was the person I felt like who could protect me from him because he had expressed earlier that he didn't want me too close to him- physically and emotionally.

I told him that Dazai was bothering me and that I felt uncomfortable. Since they were partners, Chuuya said he'd keep a close eye on him and check up on me more often. I genuinely thought that Chuuya was such a cool person.

"[Y/N] what do you think of this tie? Is it too much?" He asked, placing it on his chest.

"Chuuya, its black. I highly doubt it's too much." I said, the corners of my lips turning up.

He watched me with content as I smiled. My happiness had escalated a little bit. Since this was a new emotion, for about a week, I wouldn't be able to control it, on myself. The same thing happened with love- the only difference is that it would be extremely hard to control, especially since it's a new one.

Chuuya continued trying to keep the small smile on my face, cracking a few jokes here and there and being silly. He was a charming and funny person, I felt comfortable being around him.

After about a few hours. We went back to the Mafia. There wasn't much going on, so no one really had work to do. As we walked back, we went up to Chuuya's office to hang out a little more. When we got out of the elevator, we saw Dazai, walking towards his own office. My eyes widened and I hid behind Chuuya.

"Chuuya? Where were you?" Dazai asked, stopping and walking towards us.

As much as I didn't want to wrinkle Chuuya's useless, but fancy and expensive black coat, I couldn't help but clench the soft fabric as I hid behind him.

"What do you want, idiot?" Chuuya sighed.

"What? I just wanted to know where my partner was. Is that bad?" He asked.

"Yes it is, especially if you wanna go around harassing my subordinate. Let us be." Chuuya spat, continuing to walk to his office.

My heart slowly pounded a little harder in my chest as we walked passed him. I turned my head away so that I wouldn't make eye contact with him. I kept holding onto the back of Chuuya's coat like a little kid. As soon as Chuuya opened his door I jumped inside.

Dazai walked back to his office, which was right across the hall from Chuuya's. My eyes widened as I saw him staring at me through the window. I closed the small curtain on his door and sighed.

"What did he specifically do to you?" Chuuya asked, setting down his bags and taking out a flask.

"Dazai brought out all of my suppressed emotions by bringing someone I deeply hate here. As soon as I got them out, I turned them off because too many emotions were starting to breaking my heart. Then he proceeded to do something... which I assume was use his ability. I don't know what he was doing and he ended up bringing out all my emotions again- intensifying them and doing more damage to my heart. I can't risk that again." I sighed, revealing some part of the explanation.

Chuuya's eyes widened and he presses his lips into a thin line. He took a drink from his flask, his expression revealing that he was deep in concentration.

"Do you have any idea what his ability is?" He asked after a few moments of silence.

I shook my head and he sighed.

"His ability is called, No longer-" Chuuya was interrupted by the door bursting open. We both turned around and saw a panicked looking Dazai.

I went behind Chuuya's desk as he stood up marched over to him, obviously very irritated.

"You piece of shit- what are you doing?!" He shouted, pushing him back out of his office.

Dazai grabbed Chuuya and pulled him into the hallway, shutting the door. I stayed in Chuuya's office, hearing the both of them bicker silently outside. It was muffled so I couldn't really tell what they were saying.

After a few moments, Chuuya quickly returns- pretty upset and irritated.

"That bastard." He mumbles.

"Anyways uh.. why don't we check out and see what we got from the store?" He sighs.

I slowly nod my head.


After spending a little more time with Chuuya, I decided to go home. There was literally nothing else to do today. I got my stuff ready and locked my office. I started leaving the Port Mafia. It was kind of a gloomy day, it started raining a few minutes after I started walking. Fortunately for me, I was prepared and had an umbrella. I opened it up and continued my way.

I listened to the rain and the sound of the water splashing as cars drove over puddles. It was truly a calming and peaceful walk. For most of the way, I kind of just stared at the ground- as I already knew where to go. 

As I walked, I became distracted and crashed into someone else. I immediately felt myself fall back- the stranger swiftly grabbed my arm, keeping my butt and the ground from making any sort of contact. I quickly composed myself. I moved my umbrella out of the way to properly greet the man, as I was a pretty short person- or either this person was pretty tall.

I looked up with a small smile on my face and it quickly fell as I saw Dazai. He cocked an eyebrow as he saw my smile leave.

"Hey, you should watch where you're going.." He said, his facial expression revealing that he seemed confused.

Thump, Thump

I couldn't help but stare at him. That feeling in my heart returned, I felt my heart pump a little harder. As much as I hated my feelings for him, the feeling was just so light and airy, it felt good. I just wanted it to linger for just a little longer.

"[Y/N]? Are you okay?" He asked.

I felt my cheeks heat up as he squeezed my arm a little, trying to get my attention. I snapped out of the daze I was in and immediately yanked my arm away, moving myself away from him as well. My eyes furrowed and I felt the feeling go away and replace itself with a little bit of anger.

"Thank you. Goodbye." I huffed, walking around him.

I almost felt like sprinting, but I didn't. I kept walking, sighing as I felt loneliness take over my heart. The one feeling that I absolutely despised, but I let it sit there. I didn't turn it off.

The higher get, the lower I sink.


does anyone play an instrument? 

I play the cello? 

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