4. Reason

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A good or obvious cause to do something.


French Translations

Mon loup - My wolf

Est-ce à propos de vos pouvoirs? Sont-ils- - Is it about your powers? Are they-

Les devoirs - Homework


"Ms. Ouellet, I'm afraid - I don't think you understand-"

"No." Marianne turned back to the men in her living room with a calm smile. "I do. And I'm saying no."

"We understand that," said Erik, looking and sounding less confused than his partner. Perhaps he just hid it well. "But we need you to understand; you are powerful. You would be -"

"What tips the scales in your favour, yes, I understand. You don't seem to understand that I am saying no."

Charles stood and approached her kitchen counter. "Shaw is dangerous," he stressed. "Going up against his team will be dangerous and we need all the help we can get. I just-" he had to take a deep breath before he continued. "I don't understand why you are saying no when we are giving you the chance to not only meet other people like yourself but also realize your full potential."

"You say you don't understand," Marianne said, "after explaining exactly why I am saying no. This Shaw man is dangerous, and he has his underlings who, as you have said, are equally dangerous. To join you would be risking my life." She placed her hands on the counter and leaned forward. "I'm sorry, I truly am, but I cannot put my life on the line for this."

"I understand your concerns-" Charles began, but he was quickly interrupted.

"Do you?" She questioned, a challenge in her tone. He couldn't look her in the eyes and say that, not when he had to know why she couldn't do this. She looked at him - took in how he stood and how he dressed and even the look in his eyes, and she knew. He would never understand, even if he looked through every memory she had from the past twelve years.

Charles could read her mind, but he didn't know how she felt.

"How is your fear for your life more difficult to understand than anyone else's?" Erik challenged, getting to his feet. "Everyone we've recruited understands the danger, and are willing to risk their lives to defeat Shaw. What makes you think your life is more precious than any of theirs?"

She looked at the two men. Charles, though he did a fantastic job of hiding it, was looking at her with judgement in his eyes. He seemed close to glaring at her. Erik, on the other hand, made no attempt at hiding his annoyance with her. A muscle in his jaw clenched and his eyes were hard. If she had been a lesser woman, with no experience with a threatening man glaring at her, she would have been shaking. They thought she was selfish, these two men. They had found people unafraid of risking their lives, and they themselves were unafraid of risking their lives in this... whatever this mission was. She wasn't, and they thought her selfish for it.

Perhaps she was, but even so, she wasn't ashamed of it. Not when she had every reason to be selfish. Before Marianne could respond, tell Erik that no, she didn't think she was more important than anyone else, and why exactly she was saying 'no' to him and Charles, her attention to the conversation was diverted as she heard footsteps coming up the stairs. The front door opened and then slammed shut.

"Hey, mom, sorry I'm late, I was-"

Henry stopped, mid-sentence, as he walked into the living room and realized Marianne was not alone. Erik and Charles, both of whom had turned to look at the door when they heard it open, stared right back at him. After a moment, they turned to each other - Charles with dawning understanding, while Erik looked a little miffed.

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