Don't say any of the following things to a Police Officer
-I can't reach my license unless you hold my beer.
-Sorry Officer, I didn't realise I was driving
-Wow, you must have been doing about 125mph to keep up with me!
-I was going to become a cop but then I decided to finish high school
-You aren't going to check the trunk, are you?
-You look just like my girlfriend's deadbeat ex-husband.
-The question is - do YOU know why you pulled me over?
-I was trying to keep up with the traffic but it MILES ahead of me.
-If you have to ask if I've been drinking, I'm not going to tell you, dude.
-It wasn't my fault. When I reached down to roll this joint, my gun fell off my lap and got lodged under my brake pedal. Then when I thought it couldn't possibly get any worse, my beer spilt all over me.