11 - Fireworks

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Yuri's hands stroke the soft fur of his new kitten, fingers lightly gliding across the puffy texture. He laughs as his cat rolls over onto his back playfully, meowing adorably.

Yuri had decided to name his cat Lilly Altin-Plisetsky, in honor of his loving friend. He hoped the last name would one day be his own, but for now, it was only for the fuzzy mammal.

Otabek himself had two cats that the author completely fucking forgot about from the first book, so let's just say they haven't met Yuri yet.

The blond boy yawns and runs a hand through his hair, standing up off the cool wood floor. He slips his phone out of his pocket and checks the time, realizing there is only a few minutes until his date with Otabek.

He sighs, both happy and sad at the time remaining. As anxious as he is, he always craves to be standing alongside the handsome skater.

He smiles, relaxed at the thought of Otabek soon being close to his touch. Miles of text used to separate the two, leaving Yuri still astounded on how much things can change over time.

He decides to wait outside for his date to arrive, curious to where they would be heading this time.

His maroon converse tap lightly on the floor as he skips merrily to the front door, opening it to be greeted with a soft breeze.

Smiling, the boy walks to the edge of his wooden porch and sits down, absentmindedly dangling his feet above the thin steps. His braided blonde hair is tucked nicely in a spiraled bun, a pink flower tucked behind his ear.

He waits in a lonesome silence, soon hearing the soft footsteps of shoes clicking against the sidewalk. He turns his head to the sound, spotting Otabek walking towards his house.

Yuri grins and waves happily, stepping down his driveway towards the handsome male.

"You look stunning." Otabek says, blinking in awe at the lovely boy in front of him. A blush fills Yuri's cheeks, his eyes now locked on the ground in a flustered manner.

Otabek chuckles in response and takes his hand in his, gently tugging Yuri to walk with him.

The two begin to stroll peacefully down the pavement, the sun beginning to set. The sky soon begins to fade into an array of fiery colors, mesmerizing the duo.

"Where are we going?" Yuri asks after moments of comfortable silence. Otabek clicks his tongue. "It's a surprise, but we're close by." He responds.

The blond groans but his mood shifts quickly back into joy and alacrity, deciding to look on the bright side of things for once.

"Speaking of which, we're a few seconds away. Put this on." Otabek says, handing Yuri a blindfold. Though his words are blunt, a great sense of affection remains distinct in his voice.

Yuri sighs and shakes his head, reaching to tie the blindfold behind his head. "This will ruin my perfect hair." He mumbles, fumbling to lock the fabric into place.

Otabek kisses the top of the now blind boy's head. "You'll still look beautiful." He says honestly, making Yuri smile and relax a little more.

"Off we go!" Otabek declares, keeping a soft yet firm grip on his lover's hand as they begin to walk off the sidewalk onto a grassy flat.

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