C H A P T E R 16

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Alisha & Anaya in MM they're fraternal twins btw 😊


Etering the well African decorated office, Ahmad took his seat as the man across from him did the same. "I'm Derek, most people call me Dr. Halls, but I prefer Derek." He greeted reaching for a handshake.

Shaking his hand firmly, Ahmad gave a toothless smile. "Ahmad, um quick question .. are you African?"

Laughing he shook his head no, "I am not, full African-American just love my black culture .. wouldn't be the man I am today without it, as you see I have powerful black people on my walls cause they are my motivators, the struggles they faced to earn the rights we have today pushes me to keep striving everyday and everystep I take, they didn't give up so neither am I.."

Ahmad nodded liking his answer, "I feel you,"

"Yeah, well its truly a pleasure to meet you, during our time together whenever we meet I want you to be as comfortable as possible, you can come up here in pajamas whatever the more comfortable you are the more open you will be as well.. now I'm not like most therapists, I don't just nod my head and write down every little thing you say .. I give advice, I crack jokes, I become like your second bestfriend .. I've been in your shoes to where I had to seek therapy for help so trust me I do understand which is why I chose this profession, I love to help others as much as possible and I'm ready to start this journey of helping you." He spoke with straight confidence.

Ahmad nodded, "I'm down for the journey as well."

"Great, now let's start off with the basics .. tell me about yourself? I have a list of shit on this tablet that you wrote on your information form but I like to hear things from the person's mouth and excuse me I do cuss so don't be alarmed."

Chuckling, he relaxed back into the seat. "I'm Twenty-six, middle child out of thre-"

Holding his hand up, he stopped him. "When I said tell me about yourself .. I meant like what are your fears, beliefs, doubts, worries .. goals, what keeps you up at might, whatever the cause may be .. I know who you are by this paper but I don't know who are you in your mind."

"Oh um, I have different fears .."

"Let's talk about em, tell me more."

"Even though sometimes I do feel like dying, that's one of my biggest fears .. I'd hate to leave my brothers and parents behind .. I can't stand the thought of them hurting .. another thing um failing, most of my life I did feel like a failure but I'm doing good for myself now but my fear is that it won't last long .. cause so much bad shit has happened in my life so unexpectedly that I just know the small happiness I just got might not last long."

"It can last but its up to you really,"


"We have control of our moods, we have control on what can affect us and what can't .. the power of being happy is in your hands, and once you finally x-out what's hindering that, you'll see.. now tell me somethings you like and dislike."

Smirking, he placed his hands behind his neck. "I like sex,"

Laughing, he nodded. "I have to agree sex is pretty amazing .. especially with the right person."

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