C H A P T E R 23

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Happy Birthday Love❤

T W E N T Y - T H R E E

Standing in front of her full body mirror, as Bright by Kehlani played throughout her speakers. Alisha admired her body in the sexy lace bra and panties she had on, simply wondering what was the cause of her not finding love yet.

She knew she was beautiful, she knew she was a good woman but she just didn't understand how she always fell for the wrong guys.

Here she was now in a battle between Shaun and Damion. She liked Shaun because of his conversation, he was someone you could vent too and just lay up and talk too for hours and she loved that, someone who just simply listened to her for once.

While Damion was that sweet gentleman, who catered and loved his woman like no other. They shared good times together and she liked him as well he was funny and had a way with his words.

She was stuck, and once again she was lost not sure on what to do.

Letting the words of the song touch her soul, she sighed as she slipped on a pair of tights and an oversize t-shirt since she had company coming over. Throwing her hair into a messy bun, she sung along to the words of the song jogging down the stairs to check on the cookies she was baking.

Taking them out the oven, she sat em on the counter so they could cool off, while she got the drinks and stuff ready.

In the middle of her taking the pizza out the oven, her doorbell went off. Quickly sitting it on top of the stove, she walked over to the door unlocking it.

When she opened the door, Shaun stood there with his X-box and contollers smirking. "What's up?" He greeted, giving her a side hug and a kiss on the cheek. Stepping to the side to let him in, he walked directly to the living room to hook up his system. "What do you have on?" She laughed. "I mean you got the durag, the wife beater, soccer pants and tube socks and don't get me started on the crocs..'

Standing up straight he looked himself up and down. "I'm cozy what it look like? You hating on my swag and crocs?"

Throwing her hands up, she laughed. "Not at all, you look good either way."

"Don't I know it.." He smirked being cocky as usual.

Rolling her eyes she left him while she got the food.

Sitting the food and drinks on the coffee table, she fixed herself a plate then took a seat on the couch and he soon joined as his game loaded. Grabbing a cookie off the plate, he looked over at her licking his lips.

"2k and chill?" Punching him in the arm, she laughed grabbing her plate. "No sir."

"Yeah whatever, whatchu been up too besides climbing Damion?"

Cutting her eyes at him, she hit his arm. "I'm not climbing anything, we're just friends."

"Hm friends? Since when do friends bring other friends roses and go on five-star dinner dates?"

"Since now, why are you worried?"

"Just tryna make sure you don't fall for the wrong dude, not everybody gets lucky like Anaya and finds someone like Marcus or how Cali found Ahmad."

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