The Weekend

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Thank you, @frankiepinky4ever for suggesting this song.

"I'll be over there around five." Your "boyfriend" Keith said through the phone. Softly telling him okay, you both said your goodbyes before hanging up. You and Keith have been dating for a couple of months now. When he first came to you, he had a girlfriend but a small part in you didn't care but another part was telling him that if he wanted you, he had to break up with her.

He didn't answer right away he just asked if you could be friends right now at least. Agreeing with him, you both exchanged numbers and then followed each other on social media. The main three: Instagram, Snapchat, and Twitter. On Instagram, he only posted himself, his friends and family members. Not once his girlfriend. On Snapchat, same thing. Same thing on twitter too. Never even mentioned her. Thinking that was a good sign, you asked him about it. He told you that he broke up with her the following day after meeting you and deleted everything he ever posted about her.

As time went on, you found out that he lied but you were so deep into Keith, or for better words, he was so deep into you, that you didn't care. You just wanted to keep hanging out with him. He came up with a schedule that he wanted you to follow. Since he worked all the day on the weekdays, he wanted to see you on the weekend. His other girl seen him on the weekdays.

Going around your house cleaning up already clean spots to waste time, you waited until he knocked at your door.You wanted more of Keith. You only seen him two days out of the week and that wasn't cutting it for you. Your friends knew you messed with him they thought he messed with this other girl named Ryan and they already knew about Normani.

"You don't mind that he could be playing all three of you?" Your friend, Solanà asked. Shrugging your shoulders, you drank more of your smoothie. You, Solanà and Solange were at the mall that day in the food court when both of them pointed out Ryan and Normani at the same time. They weren't together. None of us were that day, we all just happened to be at the same place at the same time. "I wonder if they know about me." You thought out loud.

"My man is my man is your man, heard that's her man too." You sung lowly. Hearing a squeak from next to you, you looked and seen Solange with some of her smoothie coming out of her nose. "Why would you say that? You're so crazy." Her and Solanà laughed.

Hearing a knock at your front door, you went to go let Keith in. He came dress to give you what you've been waiting on. The signature dick appointment look. Gray sweatpants, white shirt, and Nike slides. Plus, he had a fresh cut and smelled good. That's why you couldn't leave him alone. He turned you on without doing anything.

"Hey," You smiled kissing him on the lips. After locking your door back, you took him upstairs to your room. Sitting on the bed, you watched him as he stood over you. Staring up at him impatiently, you knew he knew what you wanted. Using your index finger, you motioned for him to drop his sweatpants and drawers. Slowly sliding his sweats done, he was looking you in the eyes the whole time while biting his bottom lips.

When the sweats were finally off, you could see his print through his drawers. You knew he was trying to tease you. "Keith," You lowly whined standing up to go to him. As you stepped closer to him, he pulled his shirt over his head and threw it on the floor. After that, while still looking into your eyes but this time instead of biting his lip, he was smirking. He started to pull his drawers down slow also.

"You ready for me?" He asked grabbing your hands. Looking down below the belt, you seen him semi hard. Nodding your head quickly, he started to help you out of your dress.


I had to stop it there 😂 I can't write sex scenes for nothing. Honestly, it was hard writing this because sza just kept saying stuff over again. So I had to create what I thought she was talking about. If you caught on, 😉 comment.

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