Sista Big Bones

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You were a mail carrier in your small town, walking up and down streets delivering mail. What you didn't know is that you had a secret admirer.

Your nickname is B.B. which stands for Big Bones. You got that nickname for always telling people you were big boned, not fat. You liked it so never asked to be called something else.

Then there's Keith, a dude you always walk pass at the barber shop. A fine caramel complexion brother with cute freckles and the nicest eyebrows in your opinion. You're confident in yourself but there's always that doubt telling yourself that he doesn't like big girls.

Somedays Keith would be walking alone and see you and try to make an impression on you but you were so doubtful, you never paid attention.

"Aye, B.B! Your mail is ready." Your manager, Kate said.

Taking your bag of mail, you went out to your truck and placed the mail on the table next to the window. Starting the truck, you headed in the direction of the West Side.

Once you got to the barber shop you didn't see Keith which kind of dampened your mood because even though you didn't see yourself being with him, you still liked to look at him.

Continuing to the houses, you noticed Keith sitting on the steps of a house you was coming up on. When he spotted your truck, he got on his bike and rode along side of you until you stopped at the corner.

"Sorry, if it seems weird but I just had to talk to you." He said kind of out of breath.

"I'm Keith and you are?"

"June but everyone calls me B.B." You said with a little smile gracing your face.

"Nice to finally meet you, June." Licking his lips, he looked to the side of him before making eye contact with you again.

"I was wondering if I could take you out like on a date?" He asked scratching the back of his neck. "I'll won't make any mistakes, I'll be a gentleman."

Acting like you were thinking it over, you placed your thumb and index finger on your chin making the 'thinking' face.

"Of course you can. I would really appreciate it." You said laughing because he started wiping his forehead like there was sweat there.

"Okay. Want to meet at the barber shop tomorrow night?" Nodding your head, you told him bye and continued on with your route.

"Damn, looking like a plate of neck bones. So good." Keith mumbled to himself getting back on his bike and headed home.


AHHHH!! FINALLY AN IMAGINE! Sorry it's so short. I'm listening to Sista Big Bones by my dude Anthony Hamilton and was like "this would be a good imagine" so I just wrote it, in like 5 minutes 😂

Anyways, I've been gone for so long because life just happened tbh.

I moved, got a job, discovered Fortnite, if you play on mobile or PS4, add me. Mobile: rizqt — PS4: zhnique . Don't want to toot my own horn but I'm good.

Then I went and got my eyes examined because I've been saying I needed glasses for the longest and they said my eyesight was bad so I need glasses so I'm waiting until those come in next week 🤪

Still no boyfriend or boo 😐 I don't know how to shoot my shot good. I tried twice but eh. We follow each other on IG and sometimes I'll dm and he'll dm me but that's it. The last time we talked, he said "right" and that was it. I didn't know how to respond

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