The Matrimony

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Taking a deep breath, you ignored the anxious feeling that kept coming to you. 

"Y/N, everything is going to go great," Your mother reassured you for the tenth time today.

"I know mom, but I'm scared." You wondered how you could be scared on your wedding day. It was supposed to be a day with nothing but happy vibes but you were truly scared. "What if I'm not doing the right thing?" You questioned putting your head in your hands.

It was silent for a second, you could hear her putting things away. "Is this about Keith, honey?" It is.

"I don't know. I guess." You mumbled shrugging your shoulders.

"Don't feel bad that you moved on. He wasn't doing anything to better the relationship. You said yourself it felt like you were putting all the effort in." Nodding your head, you remembered why you broke up with him in the first place. "Now, don't think about that boy anymore, you hear me? This is your day."

Of course you loved your soon to be husband but you wasn't in love with him, you only said yes to the proposal because getting married was something you've always wanted... you just thought Keith would be the one.

He still is but you wasn't going to let him control your life when he wasn't apart of it anymore.

"I need to go outside." You said not waiting for anyone to say something.

Your fiancé had money but that wasn't why you were with him. You had your own money. He has expensive taste and wanted the best venue, the best dressing rooms and all.

Skipping down the stairs that leads outside, you walked towards the side of the building where the wedding is being held at when you seen a figure sitting by the water fountain.

Getting closer, you noticed who it was but didn't know if you wanted to make your presence known or continue on with your journey.

"Keith?" You spoke out walking slowly towards him.

Turing around, his eyes brightened when he seen you. You two haven't seen each other in person in almost two years.

"Y/N, hey," Standing up, he walked half the way towards you. "How is it going?"

"Well, I'm getting married."

"Yes congratulations. I just came to talk to you before you tied the knot but no one would let me in since I'm not on the list."

"What is there to talk about?"

"A lot of stuff actually. Why I stopped putting effort in our relationship and everything else that ever bothered you." Not believing your ears, you looked around just to avoid eye contact. You admit there wasn't much said before you just packed your things and left.

"I apologize for not being there for you when we lost our baby and I know that made you hate me because I put my work before our loss, I just didn't know how to be around you without feeling guilty like it was my fault from stressing you out from all the the mess I put you through.

I made promises to myself to get myself together for you but I always broke them. I have plans for you-"

"Plans for me?"

"Yes I've been making plans for you. I know today is your wedding day but I don't care. I know you don't love him how you love me. I tried to move on after you left but I noticed my heart doesn't belong to anyone but you." Closing his eyes for a quick second, he took a deep breath and looked up to the sky. Blinking rapidly, he finally made eye contact with you again and you noticed tears in his eyes.

"I want to marry you because I can't lose you again."

This just thrown you all the way off. You came out here to clear your mind about what you were thinking and he comes here with this confession.

"I'm sorry," Wiping your eyes. You started crying from being stressed out. "I know you don't like to see me cry."

Nodding his head, he wiped away your last falling tears. "I want you to hear what I wrote about us," Stepping back a little, he pulled a piece of paper out of his jacket pocket.

Clearing his throat, he looked you right in the eyes before speaking.

"Marriage is like you decide to jump off of your planet, across to another planet. And you can only do it when one planet passes real close. And you look and you go, "Hey, I think I can jump across." Your planet has been close to mine for years and I never took the leap, but somehow, after it left for awhile, it appeared back right next to mine and I'm ready to jump."

Putting the paper back in his pocket, he took your hands and kissed your knuckles before letting go and getting on one knee.

Screaming a little, you looked around again. You don't think it's right to even consider this when you're already engaged and is about to get married but you loved Keith with everything in you and wondered how after so long.

Opening the case, it showed the ring with the birthstone of y'all child's birth month. It had became your favorite color over the years.

Putting your hand over your mouth, tears started streaming down your cheeks without your permission. You never knew something so little would mean so much. This just made you love Keith even more if that's possible.

"I promise you a world with white picket fences, more children, stealing kisses and making more memories together. I just need you to accept my proposal for me to love you freely. Will you marry me, Y/N?" Without thinking you yelled out yes getting on your knees to hug him.

You knew God his own plans for the both of you just to bring him back in your life at this point. You wasn't going to ignore God's vision no matter what. You have always went by this saying and always will - Everything happens for a reason.

"I promise you forever, Keith."


There will be no part two. I just listened to The Matrimony by Wale for the first time and in a long time and remembered why this was my favorite song. It's so beautiful to me.

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