Chapter 3

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Waking up with an IV stuck in my arm has not been the most pleasant experience of my life. I'm confused and completely disoriented as I try to lift my arm, finding it strapped to the side of my bed, along with my legs.

The room is white and the bed uncomfortable, exactly what I imagined of a hospital. My body feels stiff and sore but I am relieved to find everything intact.

Phew OK, so I'm fine. My memories before waking up here are a little fuzzy but... The harder I try to remember the further things slip away and I can't remember anything after the vice principal walked me to the office.

What happened? Why am I in the hospital?

The heart monitor to my side goes erratic and my breathing becomes laboured but before anxiety takes me, Andrew's voice grabs my attention. "Jenna!"

"Jenny you're fine." He sounds like he's trying to convince himself. "Of course I'm OK," I try to reassure him but I'm not so sure, my heart is still beating away at my chest although I've grasped some control over my breathing.

He looks so out of place, standing in the middle of the doorway so I wave him closer and he takes a few tentative steps toward me. "Andrew, what exactly is going on?" For a moment I'm not sure I want the answer but it is too late to change my mind now as he starts to talk.

"Jenna, it was so bizarre." his eyes shift nervously around the room, "I heard about your mother and rushed over to school but you were already at the hospital. I never imagined they meant this." he gestures to me on the bed.

There are tons of questions I want to ask but only one thought sticks with me.

"Andrew, what was that about my mother?" I don't want to believe anything serious but the look in his eyes smash any hope I have. "Jenn, I thought they told you." he mumbles and then shifts around in the chair.

"Andrew," I call but he doesn't respond, "Andrew!" He finally looks at me, really looks at me and then a sob escapes him, "I'm so sorry Jenn, I'm so sorry! I should have been there, I should have..." He falls onto me and I want to comfort him but with my arms in the restraints I merely sit and watch as the scene folds out in front of me.

"She was in an accident Jenn. She called and begged me to go get you at school and take you away as far and as fast as possible. She begged me but I told her my shift started and that you were taking the bus."

"Jenn, I thought she was drunk or high... " he takes my hand in his and stares me straight in the eyes, "She was so scared Jenna, she sounded terrified."

My stomach rolls and I want to shove him from me. I want space but the restraints hold me in place as he continues to babble on.

"She.." he says, calming down, "your mom's not dead but... Jenna, she's in a coma. They have her on life support and then... But they don't know how long."

Everything boils inside of me, andI lose it. "Get off! Get off, don't touch me!" Andrew jumps away and hisses as if I burned him. "Leave!" I shout but he turns both hands up to me, "Please Jenn," he starts to plead but I turn my voice ice cold, allowing a calm to spread through my veins. "Andrew, I don't want to see your face. You are selfish and cruel and I don't need you in my life right now, so leave."

I turn my face from him, the only part of my body I can still move, and make no effort to watch him walk out of the room, and my life.

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Not five minutes after Andrew leaves a nurse strolls through my door, and I feel my blood pressure rise. "The boy told us you were awake." he strolls into the room and I can't keep my eyes to myself.

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