Chapter 5

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"Did you miss me Sweetness?"

His breath is cool in my neck, a minty breeze that ruffles the short strands in my neck. His smooth voice is so familiar yet this time the effect isn't soothing but causes fear to soak my consciousness. My chest heaves. Fear soaks me, seeping through my veins like honey.

"What the fuck are you doing in my apartment?" The words are just a whisper and I don't sound half as fierce as I would have hoped.

Goose bumps appear on my skin as the temperature of the apartment drops a few degrees. "A young lady should not talk like that."

With a mouth like sandpaper I flinch as the door closes, a soft gust of wind gently nudging it and the finality of the lock sliding into place crushes my hope. How did he get in? I never saw him coming in, but he couldn't just appear behind me. Could He?

My mind races, it doesn't matter how he got in or what he wants. I need to find a way to escape. I am the prey. He is the predator. The sudden image of his long sharp canines slashing through the vein right beneath my pulse and ripping through my flesh flashes in front of my eyes. A sudden ripple rolls through his body and he moans.


A sudden burst of energy floods through me, it burns like a dark fire using my fear as fuel and leaving me fearless as I slam my elbow back into his stomach. He clearly didn't expect it and lets out a low groan as I connect with his abdomen. The breath wooshes out of him and a loud crash alerts me that I must have shoved harder than I thought.

I turn and see him colapsed against the wall seperating the living room and the halway. The drywall is caved in where it conected with his head.

But that can't be right? He's nearly two heads taller than me. How could I have possibly shoved that hard.

I gasp at the ruby blood blooming against the canvas of his white hair. His eyes are shut tight and I fear that I might have seriously hurt him.

The small coffee table has been flung over aswell leaving a few papers scattered on the floor. The mess triggers a vague memory of an office left in pieces and the principle lying on the floor in a heap. Wait, wasn't I called into the office that day...

But before I can finish that thought Jack's lids slide open revealing emrald eyes gazing with feral glee. "Now that," his smooth voice resonates through my bones, "is my type of fun."

I fling myself at the door trying to turn the handle but it doesn't budge, even as I slide open the lock. I turn and see him prowling towards me on his knees; smiling up at me with bright blood dripping from a gash on his forhead.

His movement is smooth and lithe, as he gracefully makes his way closer. His eyes are gleeming with a promise, threatening something far worse if - when- he manages to catch me.

My eyes trail his figure and I'm left imobalised with fear and awe. He slinks like a leopard ready to pounce, and my mind takes a moment to appreciate his mouthwatering body.

His jeans hang low and loose on his hips, a black button up sliding over his skin. Definitely a step up from his hospital scrubs...

A low growl emanates from his throat and it seems that he's done playing his little game. In a moment he has pounced and I find myself inches away from him, I can almost feel his chest as he breathes in deeply.

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