Chapter 6

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I wish I could give you an acount of the wind breezing through my hair and my heart stuttering as my body realized I had laft my fate up to gravity, however... There just wasn't any time to think over my experiences as I totally misjudged my positioning and crashed onto the gravel beside the dustbin.

I always thought that I'd had a relatively high pain tolerance but apparently that luxury didn't stretch to shattered bones.

I really didn't think this through.

Not only did I jump from a window; I also had no actual plan as to where I would go once I hit the streets. Not like I can go anywhere now judging by the angle that my ankle is twisted.

Sinking to the floor I will my body to seap through the cracks. The pain is like a flame licking at my skin and I want to scream but the sound is lodged in my throat.

Silent tears that splash down my chin feel like boiling water searing my skin.

"Oh don't be so dramatic!"

I hate that is voice is soothing.

"Seriously, its just a bit of fire..." What the hell does he... I open my eyes and take in the flames surrounding me.

This time the scream has no trouble slipping from my throat.

I jump to my feet and start flailing my arms.. "AAAAAAAAH! How the hell did that happen?" I try to escape the fire but it trails after me.

"Calm down!!"

Icy fingers grip my shoulder and pull me to a stop. "Your louder than the voices in my head for fucks sake!"

"How do I calm down when I'm on fire? It hurts!" I go to pull free of his grip but he shakes me and forces my gaze to meet his.

"It doesn't hurt Jenna, focus on your ankle. Does it hurt?"

"Yes it does, I fell and twisted it but... Wait, no it doesn't hurt anymore." This time when I pull from his grip he lets me go. I carefully step on ny foot and there is no pain left, instead there is a tingling sensation as if my foot had just fallen asleep.

"But how? I don't understand..."

"You really aren't the brightest candle on the cake." his eyes twinlke with mischief as he frames his face with jazzhands.

"One word," he whispers "Magic!" and then the real fun started.

I blacked out. Again.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2018 ⏰

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