Week 2

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The week started out on a somewhat challenging spot. My ex-Casey Smart had just finished rehab and word on the street was that he was coming out with some tell all interview. I had no idea what he was going to say but my publicist Sharon Woods was on 24/7 notice. Allister didn't want me to call him because we didn't have the best break-up but I needed to make sure that no seedy things came out. Casey and I had sturggled to stay clean when we were together and when we partied it was crazy. I had spent probably thousands of dollars on drugs and parties when I was with him and then when we started to go our separate ways he was blasting my name through social media. I called him out and we had some public altercations but it wasn't anything to serious to us. The final straw came when I found out that Casey had slept with one of my assistants. When I asked him why he did it all he said was that I hadn't been there for him and that the drugs told him to do it. That was some stupid ass bullshit and I just decided that I needed to end things with him.

Getting into contact with Casey probably wasn't the best idea but I needed to know that he wouldn't come after me with some crazy stuff. When I finally got to speak with him he sounded horrible and I realized that he was probably using again. I had no real need to be with him but something told me to go and see if I could help him. Casey lived in this beautiful beach house in Malibu and I used to tell him that while the view was amazing it wasn't where he should be living. There were just too many party people around there and they didn't promote nor provide the right lifestyles for him. But Casey wanted to be his own person and didnt like taking advice from anyone. When I reached his place it was packed with all these boxes and there was Casey just passed out on the table. I went over to wake him up and hr honestly looked surprised to see me.

Casey, "well if it isn't my former love raven. What do I owe this surprise visit"

Me, "Casey you know that I hate when you call me that. I heard that you may be writing a book and I wanted to see what ground we stand on"

casey, "so you're worried that I may spill some secrets of yours? "

me, "I'm not really nervous, I'm more worried about how people are going to view us. I know that we don't have the best record but I'm taking a huge step just being here but can we just work something out. Like I don't want any type of drama because I'm trying to make a comeback here. Just trying to get my life back on track"

Casey, "so if I was really a problem then why did you stay with me so long. I didn't force you to do anything that you didn't want to do. But as I recall when we first got together you were already in full party mode.matter of factly I think that you are one of the people that pushed me to get more into partying. I'm not blaming you for anything but I can't hide the truth"

Me, "are you kidding me, I didn't push you to do anything. Your the one that pushed me to start doing come. All I was really doing was smoking here and there and dining. You were on the full rock star lifestyle so don't even pay with me"

Casey, "in all honesty I'm making a book so don't worry, I haven't even started to write anything down get but I may consider if you agree to one thing"

Me, "what is it and don't be unreasonable?"

Casey, "I'm having a party this weekend and some old associates are coming through. I need you to come through and just make an appearance."

Me, "Casey I just got out of rehab like two weeks sgo and this is basically your first week out, why in the world are you throwing parties with your friends from the past? thats not a good mixture and I personally cant handle that right now. I'm too vulnerable and its honestly been a mistake to come here. You just always end up throwing me into the deep end"

Casey, "you've always been dramatic with everything. I was in rehab and the most impotent thing that they said was learning how to control yourself, you are a grown ass adult and there is no reason why a simple beach party can make you go so crazy"

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