Month 7

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River POV

 I had been away in North Carolina filming a new movie and honestly it was a bit strange. It had been years since I had put out a legit movie and I was riding on a lot of emotions when it came to this being made. All of my co-stars had heard so many crazy things about me and they didn't know what to believe. I was trying to see where they stood on certain issues but for the most part everyone stayed to themselves and I couldn't blame them. I had been known for being a bit of a trouble-maker on set and it was a bit challenging at times. Now that I was trying to handle my sobriety and I didn't have anyone to really rely on it was going to be tough not having any true friends. There were a cpupple of points where i just wanted to head to the nearest bar and take a couple of shots but I knew that it wouldn't end well on my part. Luckily we were moving ahead of schedule and I was able to have a two week break. I flew back out to LA oto go and visit my parents and see how my brother Allister was doing. 

As soon as I landed the only thing that I could see here all the photogs hounding over me like I was a piece of meat. They were snapping away and screaming all these comments like, "Have you and Casey broken up? How's the movie set? We heard that you had a fight with your co-stars Rachel McAdams and Jonah Fisher? We heard that you're never on set anymore? Have you been kicked off of the movie?" The quetions would be never-ending but hte one that really annoyed me was the one about Casey. I hadn't spoken to him in months because he was generally an ass and I didn't want to be involved with him. He would say one thing but then do something else and it was clear that his brothers didn't think that I was good enough for him. Last time I checked I was the one that was famous and more well-know than him. My associates were telling me that he was on tour and I told myself that I should try and call him but I really never got around to it.

By the time that I reached back home it was minutes to 8 and I had to rush and get ready before heading out to dinner. My brother was taking me to this new Spanish restauraunt called Lito and I was starving. From the moment that we walked into the place I felt like somehting was going to happen. I didn't know if it would be something good or something bad. 

Allister, "So how's the movie set going? I've been hearing all these things but nothing from you?"

Me, "Well it's great to be back at work but i just wish that people would trust me more. Like I didn't bring the sober coach with me becaue I thought that I could handle it, but the director has his assistant constantly follow me. And the cast want's nothing to do with me. It's like I dont even exist there"

Allister, 'Well River hav eyou made your self open to them? I know how you are and sometimes you may come off as a mean person that wants to be alone, especially since your whole falling out with Casey"

Me. "Why do people always bring him up? Like my life doesn't revolve around him and vice versa. I swear dating him was probably one of the worst decisions of my life"

Allsiter, "Why do you say that?"

Me, "Cause you get so into a zone with him that when we aren't together its' like I can't function. I don't like this feeling and if I had any friends that I trusted then maybe the break-up wouldn't be so bad"

Allister, "Well I'm your friend and you can always call me if anything, Why do you think that you don't have any friends?"

Me, "Cause I honestly don't. When I come back here it's like everyone I used to know either doesn't want to talk to me or is too bad for me. There are few people far and in between that can hang and want to hang with me"

Allister, "Well what about Macy and Tara? I think that I bumped into her boyfriend Benji last weekend at Sur"

Me, "Why where you at SUR? I don't know about those two, they seem like the types that may 'nod their head every once in a while to your comments but end up saying stuff behind your back'"

Allister, "Well I've been doing business and you can always count on me. If you need me to fly out there to North Carolina with you then I can do that, it's not a huge problem"

Me, "I can call them and see what they're up to, but what about you? What have you been doing since I've been gone?"

Allister, "Well I was just working, and I've been talking to Casey cause he's genreally worried and a bit confused about what happened between you two"

Me, "Why are you talking to Casey? Where have you been meeting him? I thought that he was on  tour with his band?"

Allister, "For someone that doesn't really care about this person you sure do seem to know a lot about them, now I've been tlaking to him because he was confused as to why you guys broke up. I know that we haven't always seen eye to eye when it's come to your relationship with him, and that was mostly because he wasn't clean and didn't support you in the right way but that was then and this is now. I know that hes' working on becoming a better person and he's totally changed his ways from the past but it's up to you to forgive him and see what your future holds. That's all I can say"

Me, "I still don't understand why my brother is talking to my ex-boyfriend. I don't think that you would be cool with me talking to Janna's family on a constant basis asking why your marriage didn't work out"

Casey, "Well I guess that this wouldn't be a good time to come talk then"

Me, "What the hell is going on here? Allister come on , why would you do this to me"

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