chapter nineteen

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''Katy wait''

You yell before I step in the taxi.

I bite on my lip and turn around.

''Do you like to catch up?''

I see you are nervous.

That's so adorable.

''Sure, you own me a drink for this.''

And I lift Nugget up a little.

I see the relief on your face.


I yell and Tamra walks in our direction.

''What's up?''

She asks scanning the both of us.

''Can you take care of Nugget, I'm going for a drink with John.''

''All right.''

And she takes Nugget from me.

Before she leaves us, she gives me that smile.

That smile friends give each other when one of them caught the boy they want.

It makes me giggle a little.

My eyes find yours again.

It feels so good to look in your eyes without awkwardness.

Just how it used to be.

Even tho, this all maybe doesn't mean something it feels good.

It feels so damn good.

A/N:  Hey guys!!

Witness the tour is starting in two weeks OMG! I'm so excited!!

What dates are you going?

I'm going may 24th, 26th and 27th

xx Lotte

2019 / Jaty fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now