Chapter 24. Part 1

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Marshal moved the hair from my face and kissed my lips. "You're going to have to go home soon honey."

"I called my dad all ready, he's just going to have to deal with it." I put my hand in between my thighs."

Marshal sighed. "Okay. Stay here as long as you want."

"I don't think I'm going to school tomorrow. I can't take people's shit anymore."

"Tell your dad."

"No I can't tell him. He's just gonna be more pissed at me because I'm going to have to tell him everything I said to him. I just can't believe all this shit is happening to me."

"And it's all because of Aaron huh?" He asked and sat next to me on his bed.


"Just don't worry about him. He's a poor little crippled boy that's not going to do anything to anybody. The only thing he can do is talk shit and that's it. Just forget about him." Marshal sighed.

"Easier said than done."

"No not really. He's a pissy little boy. Just don't worry 'bout his ass, God damn."

I sat up and looked at him. "What's your problem?"

"I'm just tired of hearing about that boy. I don't care about him."

"Sorry for telling you my problems." I continued to stare at him.

"Don't turn this around Mia." He rolled his eyes.

"Sorry Marshal. I won't talk about it anymore."

"You won't be able to stay here tomorrow from school. I have to work." Marshal got up and started to walk out. 

I got up and caught him before he could walk down the stairs. I wrapped my arms around and waist and hugged him tight. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't be talking about him with you."

"It's fine." He tried to pull my arms away from him but I kept them there.

"I'll make it up to you. I know you'll like that." I walked in front of him and kissed his lips.

"You know what I would like?" He smiled at me and rubbed his lips on mine.

"What" I whispered.

"If you would leave me alone." His face was straight and his voice blunt.

I raised my eyebrow at him. "Really Marshal?"

He gave me a nod and started to go down stairs. I wasn't going to let him slide like that. So I followed him into the kitchen and watched him get some food out of the pantry.

"Why are you so angry at me Marshal?"

"I'm just not in the mood to be all touchy-feely ouchie-gouchie with you right now."

"I understand that but you don't have to treat me like shit."

"Mia please!" He yelled.

"Don't yell at me. I didn't do anything. What the hell is wrong with you?" I yelled back at him.

"I'm not going to argue with you."

"But you wanna talk to me like shit?" I mumbled and crossed my arms .

He snapped his head at me and I flenched back. Then he face softened. "You can leave now honey."

"Just like that huh?" I asked.

He didn't answer. He opened up a bag of chips and walked past me and went up to his room.

My feet were killing me once I got back to my house and my feelings were hurt as well.  No one was home, which was good. I didn't wanna talk to anybody at the time. I didn't know what was wrong with Marshal. I kept thinking about what I could have said to him to make him so angry but then nothing came to my head. i was very confused.

It wasn't till later when mom and dad got home. They told me that they went to go see Aaron-lovely. Seems like he was quite nice to them, go figure. They also told me that he wanted to see me. That was an instant 'no'. But I said it in my head. I just nodded to them and went up to my room.

 Then after they gave me the 'good news' both of the moods changed. They over whelmed me with questions on why I wasn't at school and where was I.

"I was just out and about. I didn't feel like going to school." I told them after they were done asking me questions.

"That's not a good enough answer Mia." They said. "You're grounded."

"For not going to school. Uh-oh call the cops."

"Don't talk to us like that." Dad said.

I rolled my eyes and put my weight to one side.

"I don't know why you have this attitude little lady but it needs to stop. " Mom said.

"I don't have an adititude mom. So what I didn't go to school? I didn't commit a crime or hurt anybody." I said.

"Then where were you all day?" Dad asked fiercely.

"I told you. I was just riding around."

"I'm done." Mom said walking away from the both of us and going upstairs.

"See what you did Mia?" Dad asked.

"You're making a big deal out of nothing." I walked away from him too but he pulled my arm for me to face him.

"You know what? Since you wanna disrespect us and talk to us like we are shit, you're gonna be grounded for two weeks. You gotta be in the house right after school, no outings, no friends coming over, no T.V, you can forget about your laptop and you have to give me you're phone at 6pm."

"That's ridiculous dad!" I yelled.

"Don't raise your voice."

"What happened to ya'll two. Did ya'll take strict parenting classes today or what?"

"I'm not arguing with you anymore. I already told you the rules for the nest two weeks and that's how it's going to be. And look at the time, it's 6pm, give me your phone." He held out his hand.

I got my phone from my back pocket and slapped it into his hand. "There, have fun." I gave a fake smile.

"You know what?" Dad smacked me in my face. "You're not going to disrespect us. we are your parents.

My ear started to ring and my face felt up. I could taste blood in my mouth from biting my tongue to hard and I could tell my lip was bleeding.

"Go to you room and don't come out tonight."

I did what he said and went to my room and locked it behind me. I went to my bathroom and spit out all the blood from my tongue. The side of my face was bright red and my tongue was really swollen. I couldn't believe he did that. He's never hit me or anything like that ever. I scared me but I didn't let it show.

After i sat on my bed a little while, I did realize that I was being a shit and head and that I was talking crazy to them. Guess I blacked out or something. But I'm glad it happened because now I know what dad is capable of.

Hey guys! Thanks for getting me up to 40,000 reads! But I would also like for you to tell me what you think about the story (constructive critism). Tell me what's confusing you and things like that and I will answer them in the chapter you commented in. 

But please Vote and comment and get ready for more juicey chapters. :)

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