Chapter 33

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I honestly couldn't believe it.

I was confused, too confused.

Now that I think about it, I actually liked it. But I didn't tell Marshal that, no way.

I told myself that his kiss was nothing and that he was so thirsty and just wanted attention. But by the way he kissed me, I could tell that he wanted it for a while.

I just needed Marshal to show me that Aaron's kiss was absolutely nothing by kissing and feeling on me.

But God damnit, he was a good kisser.

"Shut up Mia." I said to myself.

I went downstairs and looked through the cabinets of the kitchen for something to eat. I found some Hamburger Helper for mom and I. I haven't really seen her as much since dad went on his trip. I guess she wanted to keep her mind occupied.  But my momma was a strong women. She had to deal with dad and his demanding job.

I just couldn't wait for school to be over. So I wouldn't see hardly anybody and go out the country and get my tan on. Ugh, there was just too much on my mind. I could hang with Marshal more; now that's the top thing on my mind.

I finished my hamburger and put some on a nice china plate and put some Kool-aid in a wine glass. I wanted it to look like I was at a fancy restaurant.

So I ate in silence and just thought aboit stuff.

Then my mom came in the door. She had on her scrubs and her hair fell to her shoulders.

"Hey mom." I said.

"Hey Mia. What are you eating?" She came over to me.

"Hamburger Helper."

"Oh. Sorry, I would have made dinner if I came home earlier."

"It's fine momma. I can take care of myself." I got done with my food and put my dishes in the dish washer.

It was 8 o'clock but it felt like 12am. I didn't have any homework or anything that needed to be done so I just put my Pj's on and sat in my room.

Then I took some selfies just to blow through time and put them on Instagram.

After that I turned my white Christmas lights on that hung around my room. Then made sure my alarm clock was one. Before I was about to go to sleep when my phone rang. It was Marshal.

"Hello." I said to him.

"Hey princesses.  What are you up to?"

"About to go to sleep. What do you need?"

"Nothing. I just wanted to talk to you."

"Aw babe. It's a school night." I wrapped the blankets tightly around me.

"How about you come over."

"What? Not tonight. And plus I'm coming over tomorrow. "

"I know but I need to tonight. Please. "

"No not tonight." I rolled my eyes.

"I can pick you up like down the street and I'll take you to school."

"Ugh. Marshal. "

"I'll make sure you like it." He said with a pleasuring voice.

"Fine, fine fine."

"Yay. I'll be over at 11 o'clock. Okay?"

"I hate you. Pick me up right in front of The Wedding House." I got out of my bed.

Dad's friend. (MAJOR EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now