Walk and Write

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This is a walk and write exercise we did today in Creative Writing.

The girl sat, her back pressed up against her beige walls. Fear was evident in her eyes and she had no weapons to defend herself. Her hotheaded boyfriend, Lance, stood before her, hands fisted at his sides. His knuckles were bone white, clenched so hard that blue veins were visible just below his skin.
"You did what?" He snarled, spittle flying from his chiseled jaw, green eyes narrowed to a fine point.
"I-I," the girl stuttered, "I sold you out."
A fire burned inside Lance's eyes. "I've told you a hundred times over, if you ever betray me to the police," he growled, his fists clenched even harder, "there will be consequences."
The girl was beginning to feel more and more afraid. "I'm sorry Lance, but I just can't take it anymore." Her eyes shifted up to him. "What you do for a living isn't right." She shook her head.
"Ellie," Lance said sweetly, dropping the anger for the moment. "What I'm doing is supporting us both, so keep quiet or this-" he gestured to the bedroom around them, "-will no longer be yours to keep."
Ellie sniffed, her eyes misty. "This is my apartment Lance, I bought it long before I met you." She pointed out. "I don't think this is working, I think we need to break up."
The anger came back full force. "The last time a girl wanted to break up with me," he whispered maliciously, cracking his knuckles as he took a step towards her. "Was never seen again." Elite gasped. Lance took another step. "So I sincerely hope that you change your mind, or you'll suffer the same fate." Lance threatened, glaring at down at her from his six foot four height. Ellie gulped and exhaled.
"You don't treat my like you used to Lance," she whispered. Her soft blue eyes lifted up to his and a tear slid down. "What happened to us?"

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