10 facts about me.
-I hate fake ass bitches.
-I hate skinship, because I feel uncomfortable.
-I'm slowly becoming a anime trash. (Anyone recommend me some good 12 episode series?)
-I'm plain cold on the outside, even my body feels cold as ice.
-I accidentally discovered porn when I'm 12.
-I'm pretty addictive to Kpop. (Who isn't?)
-I like spicy foods a lot, like when my toungue burns, it's pleasure for me. *lenny face*
-I want to be curled up into a balll at a corner, with food and iPad and watching and reading fanfictions, webtoons.
-My preferred genes for fanfictions and pretty much everything, something that involved horror, blood, smut, mystery and fantasy.
-My favourite colour is blue, red and black. And my favourite number is 4.
Psst, In Japanese, 4 is a unlucky number because it's pronounced as 'shi', which means death. Well, I AM unlucky. Must be a curse or something.
diary.➣ me
Randoma girl who is a professional at procrastinating to the max and never finishing anything. achievements: non fiction #167