Tagging: -trashcan-
Contains swear words and is real life experience.
is my old username and Im here to tell you about why this username is not ideal for me.
First of all, I randomly choose this username because I need to hide that I got Wattpad from my parents. Been hiding it for almost 2 years. And I never got caught so far, I be like
Dont get me wrong, I love exo so much and im a proud multifandomer, (still am) but it's the start of the username that made me change it.
Now y'all be wondering like why the god damn world do I hate puppies, oh story time ladies and gentlemen.
I had a tragic experience with puppies or dogs in general. Happened when I was still in India, at Goa, studying my ass off in grade 4.
diary.➣ me
Разноеa girl who is a professional at procrastinating to the max and never finishing anything. achievements: non fiction #167