Chapter 9 - Meeting Mom

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Chapter Nine

I don't know who was more nervous about me meeting Luke's mom, me, or Luke.

He sad on the edge of my bed rapidly tapping his foot. I swear he's not even listening to me, because I've been showing him outfits for the past half hour, trying to figure out what to wear, and all he says is 'yeah, that ones good.'

At one point I help up a black lace bra and he didn't even notice, and that's really not like Luke.

And it's defiantly not like me to hold up a black lace bra in front of a boy I happen to have feeling for, but hey, why not? Luke makes me feel comfortable with who I am.

"Luke, you're not even paying attention." I snap my fingers in front of his face.

"I am."

"You're not." I whine, and a walk I between his legs. What has gotten into me? Luke and I are dating. He just happens to be a very attractive guy who likes me. And now I'm getting all up close and personal with him.

And maybe I like it..

I'm definitely not ready for sex, but a little teasing never hurt anyone.

"Sorry." He whispers as he wraps his arms around my waist. Luke is defiantly of, and I want to do whatever I can to make him feel better.

"What can I do to make you feel better?" I whisper while pressing my forehead to his. I feel so safe in Luke's arms, and I feel like anything is possible.

"Give me a kiss?" Luke pouts, his voice low. Not a whisper, but very low. Almost seductive.

Without hesitation I press my lips to Luke's. The coolness of his lip ring sends shivers down my spine.

Luke's hands slowly rub up and down my sides, and he tilts his head deepening the kiss.

I've gotten pretty use to kissing Luke now. Well, I'll never get use to the feeling that comes along with it, but it's not a huge deal anymore.

I've kissed Luke enough now, so I'm comfortable with it.

Instead of waiting for Luke to do it, I slide my tongue into his mouth, causing him to moan. His hands slowly travel up my body, until they rest on my breast. Surprisingly I don't mind.

I've never once had a boy--or anyone for that matter--touch my breasts. He slowly squeezed them, like it was one of those stress balls.

"Luke" I slowly pull away from him, out of breath. Sometimes I think he forgets that I have never experienced anything like this, and he needs to keep things slow.

"Mmm." He moans as he try's to reconnect our lips.

"Luke I have to get ready." I smile. I will be meeting his mother in two hours, and I may not be showing it but my nerves are really getting to me. From what Luke tells me, his mother is judgemental, so I want to make the perfect first impression. "What should I wear?" I stride over to my closet and continue to look through my clothes.

"Nothing." He whispers, probably assuming that I didn't her him, but I did.

"Pervert." I laugh and come across a black cotton dress. It tight at the top, but flows down, ending at my knees. Also, it's long sleeve. It shows a little bit of cleavage, but I decide on this dress because one, I know it will drive Luke insane. And two, it's not too revealing, but it's still sexy. The perfect dash of sexy and elegant. I can't think of many things to judge about this dress

"How about this one?" I take it off it's hanger and spin around holding the dress to my body.

Luke eyes the dress for a moment, almost like he is imagining it on me and says "beautiful."

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