Truth {POV Keith}

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The events of the day before hadn't even worn off. I still felt that fluttering feeling in my stomach that I had felt when I first locked eyes with her. Even away from her simple things reminded me of her. Like the color blue or anything else that seemed to remind me of her. Even though I had just met her I already felt like I knew so much about her. Her expressions were so sudden and made me smile every time I saw a new one.

"Oh gross! You have that stupid grin on your face again," Standing in the doorway of my room was Clarissa making a mockingly disgusted face at me.

I rolled my eyes at her and continued doing what I had been doing before she had interrupted. "You're just jealous," I responded, teasing her.

"Why the heck would of be jealous grinning idiot like you?" She stated. I chuckled at her usual behavior towards the ideas of soulmates. She had always thought that the notion of them was cliché and unnecessary.

"Oh whatever, I bet when you meet your soulmate you're going to be absolutely doe-eyed. So star-struck that you that you won't be able to put one word after the other," I teased again. Clarissa's face scrunched up in irritation as she reached down and grabbed one of shoes from my floor and chucked it at me. It sailed only an inch away from my face making me jump.

"Nice aim!" I shouted to her before she left the room. "Hey wait!" I yelled trying to catch up with her. "When are you leaving?" I questioned her when I caught up with her in the hallway.

A seriousness instantly fell over us, I shifted from one foot to another waiting for her answer. I shouldn't have asked, I thought feeling uncomfortable compared to just moments ago when we had been joking around.

"I'm leaving around five. There'll be enough rush with people coming home from work that no one will notice," she announced her back turned to me. "You best keep an eye out. After all your 'soulmate' is the Second's daughter, make one wrong move in front of those people and you could never be seen again. Keep a close eye Jackson and soulmate as well, from what you told me they are more danger than ever," Clarissa finally turned towards me to look me dead in the eye. "You know what to do if anything goes wrong," her copper eyes flashed at me as she said this. "We can't lose anyone else," she whispered her eyes seeming to shed their ferocity as she stained down at the carpeted floor. It was strange to see her in such a state. There was only one time I had ever seen her in such a way. That was horrible day.

Before I could get sucked into the past Clarissa spoke. "Well I'm off to get supplies!" She announced suddenly turning away from me and striding down that hall. Within a few more seconds I could hear the slam of the front door and then she was gone.

I had been so caught up in the fact that I had met my soulmate that I had forget the real danger that was around me. Paige was the Second's daughter. Jackson and Taya's timer sped up. The whole situation had gotten increasingly complicated.

I have to protect them.

Knock, knock, knock! The sound rang through the apartment making me jump. Panic rose in my chest as I crept towards the front door. Had Clarissa forgotten something? Or was it them? Had they finally found out and came to take me away too?

When I reached I grabbed the baseball bat beside the front and made sure it was out view. I opened the door a crack. My heart raced impossible fast making it hard to breath. "Hello?" Came a nervous small high pitched voice. It was Paige. She looked rattled as she stared at crack on the door.

"Oh hey!" I said relieved, "sorry if I scared you we usually don't get visitors." I opened the door all the way after putting the baseball quickly back. I stepped aside to left her in.

Paige walked awkwardly in as though not know what to do. Her hands fidgeted with the hem of her coat as her gaze scanned over her surroundings.

"What's wrong?" I asked after about a minute of silence. Her blue gaze was instantly on me. My heart beat faster once again but this time for a different reason. She gaze away from me after a moment but then found me again.

"You were right," she whispered staring down at her shoes. Her bottom lip began to shake as she tried to hold back so many emotions. What was she talking about? She closed her eyes and took a breath as through to regain her composure. What happened?

"I have been brainwashed! I couldn't see the truth my father had been hiding from me-I couldn't even see how fake his secretary was. I-I can't-" her voice wavered so much that she couldn't continue say what she had been about to say. Her sob rang though my ears as wrapped my arms around her. Her hands gripped onto the front of my shirt tightly. I pulled her closer as a another sob came from her.

I felt angry. Angry at her parents for keeping her the dark, keeping the truth from. Angry at Isaac for apparently never saying anything to her.

Something this important being kept for her and her being oblivious to all of it. She had such a kind heart it was oblivious breaking knowing that people were being taking by her own father and by people he worked with.

A another sob resonated in my ears and my anger lessened slightly. Only she mattered right now.

We stood there for a long time until her sob ceased as well as her tears, but she continued to hold onto me. I didn't mind, mot even when my legs began to ache.

When she finally drew back a bit and looked up at me my heart twisted as I saw her red face and equally red eyes. "How about some water?" I asked. She nodded. I grabbed her hand and led her into the kitchen. As I grabbed a glass and filled it with the clean liquid she stood silently. When I handed it to her her hands shook making me frown in concern.

She must have noticed because she gave me a small smile and whispered, "I'll be alright."

My heart twisted again at her words. How could anyone dare hurt her? "I know you will be, eventually," I replied under my breath. She gave my hand a squeeze at she looked up into my eyes. I lead her into the living room where we sat there together in  silence. Enjoying each other's company.

I was so caught up in my own thoughts I almost didn't notice that Paige had fallen asleep against my shoulder. I smiled and leaned down to kiss the top her head. She looked absolutely adorable. Her bangs hung in her face and her mouth was slightly agape. She made an almost whistling noise as she breathed in and out. I moved her so that her head now lay on a pillow in my lap and her legs were positioned on the couch. She didn't even wake up, she only muttered in her sleep before being quiet again.

Not long after I fell asleep as well.

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