He's my weirdo... {POV Taya}

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The image is supposed to be Keith's eye color.

"Paige! What happened sweetie?" Isaac and Paige's mother exclaimed as she opened the door. Five teenagers showing up on a doorstep looking like drowned and terrified rats. If I was her I probably wouldn't have opened the door if two of these teenagers weren't her children. Keith's sneakers were covered in mud, and Jackson had a small stick stuck in his hair. Although Paige looked the worst out of all of us. Her hair was an absolute mess that it looked like a squirrel had attacked her, her eyes were red and puffy, and every so often she'd hiccuped. Which caused Keith to crack a small smile every so often when she did.

"Isaac fell into the lake," Keith answered. Her mother finally seemed to have just noticed both Keith and Jackson, she blue eyes scanning them over.

"Mom!" Paige cried desperately. Bringing her mother's attention back to her. Her blue eyes held such an amount of panic, which was growing by the second.

"Sorry!" she apologized flustered opening the door wider. Keith and Jackson were the first to rush in with Isaac between them. "Place him on the couch," Paige's mother ordered. The boys did as they are told. Allia, Paige's mother, sat down beside her son and began stroking his forehead, concern plastered across her beautiful, but kind face. Paige looked so much like her mother.

Isaac moaned painfully.

"Is he going to be ok, mom?" Paige questioned standing behind her mother, obvious concern shining in her cobalt eyes.

Allia glanced up at her daughter, a frown spread across her features. "He'll be absolutely fine. He just needs some rest," her mother replied. " I think you should also get some rest a lot must have happened today," Allia recommended taking a hold of Paige's hand.

"She's right you need to rest," Kieth stated speaking up.

Jackson strode over to where Issac lay and inspected her for a moment. "He has a minor concussion," Jackson stated after half a minute.

"How do you know?" Allia questioned frowning up at him.

"My uncle is a doctor. Over the years he's taught me a few things," Jackson told her with a very flat tone, his expression changing considerably showing no emotion. Is there something wrong? Maybe something to do with his family?

"I think I'll go upstairs," Paige muttered under her breath before she darted towards the stairs, but not before I saw the first of her tears running down her face.

What can be done?" Paige's mother asked, but I did not hear Jackson response as I briskly followed after Paige.

Paige always had a large burden that she alone stubbornly carried not allowing anyone to help her. She may not to show it, but all of this was really hurting her. Her brother acting as though he hated her. Her father favoring her over him. And her mother pretending she didn't see any of it. Paige loved her brother and she hated seeing the way he acted towards others.

The slamming of Paige's resonated through the house leaving an echo of emptiness. Quick footstep sounded on the wooden stair drawing my attention away from the closed door in front of me. It was Kieth.

"Is that her room?" He asked tilting her head in the direction of closed door.

"Yeah," I admitted quietly.

"Well then what are we doing on this side of the door," he said as he opened the door and strode inside without warning.

A muffled sob was the first thing I heard as I enter the room. Paige lay on her side, her back to me, curled up hugging a pillow as she cried. Kieth was already at her side rubbing her back. I hated it when she cried, it made me feel  helpless. So here I stood halfway between the door and Paige.

A creaking of the floor boards made me  turn towards the doorway, there leaning up against the door way stood Jackson. His eyes flickered up to mine when he realized my gaze was on him. His gaze was intense as his eyes held mine. A charming smile lite up his features.

"P-Please d-don't le-ave me," Paige managed to say through her tears drawing my attention back to her.

"Not a chance," Kieth promised. He is the perfect person for her.

"I would never," I stated as I walked hesitantly over to the bed and sat on the other of Paige. As weight sunk into the mattress her gaze focused on mine. Her eyes were red, her hair was messy and she looked so broken.

A clearing of a throaty drew both my attention and Kieth's. Still standing in the doorway stood Jackson looking awkward as he ran his fingers through his dirty blonde hair. "Jackson get over here," Kieth ordered giving him a flat look. Jackson did as he was told and sat down beside me.

"You ok?" the blonde haired boy asked the girl still hugging a pillow.

Paige sat up and rubbed her face. "Depends can someone really be ok when their brother might have a concussion and strange things have been happening," she muttered pulling her hair back into a ponytail.

"So no that ok," Jackson grumbled as he began to play with a tassel on one of the pillows. Kieth instantly punched him in the arm. What? Jackson mouthed.

Really? Kieth mouthed back, raising his eyebrows in disbelief and annoyance. I rolled my eyes and shook my head.

"I'm hungry," Paige muttered looking up, not noticing what was going on between Kieth and Jackson.

"Me too," exclaimed Jacks, jumping up from his seat. "Let get some food then!" Looking expectantly at Kieth, Paige and I with his usual charming smile. "Come miss moopey! No more moopey!" Jacks exclaimed grabbing Paige by the arms and pulling her from the bed, which she squeaked in surprise. Paige almost fell on him in shocked. I chuckled at the two of them.

"Well ya didn't have to drag me out of bed like a mad man!" Paige yelled only have joking. "Some soulmate you have," she exclaimed turning to me.

"Yeah he's an idiot," Kieth agreed smirking mischievously.

"Good thing he's my idiot," I muttered looking at him a small smile. His eyes softened as he looked at me while Paige continued to grumble under her breath.

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