Blonde Girl {Pov Jackson}

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Just having to spend a few moments with Isaac always made me want to rip out my hair. The fact that he was tagging along with me to get some food was even more annoying. Why did the Keith and I hang out with him? Although to tell the truth he kinda just show up whenever. Sometimes I could swear Isaac thought we're his "best friends". Which we are not. Isaac is basically the opposite of a good friend. He is rude to everyone and I bet all the money in the world, that he was just as rude to his sister. A sister that Keith and I just found out about today. True friends tell each other about their lives and their families.

Right now he was complaining about the fact that we're walking to Five Guys to get food instead of hailing a taxi or riding the subway. Which made me want to slap him upside the head even more, which I of course didn't. If I did I would instantly feel bad, even if he deserved it. Because even though he a terrible and rude person, there always is a reason behind why someone was acting they were.

Wow I'm starting to sound like Keith. He must be rubbing off on me, I realized frowning at the idea.

"Earth to Jacky," Isaac called. Jacky and Jacks are some stupid nicknames that Keith had given me when we were kids. Although unfortunately Isaac had adopted them and he had began to call me by them.

Hearing him just call me that ignited the need to slap him again. "What?" I practically growled at him.

"Just trying to get you realize that we passed Five Guys three blocks ago," Isaac informed me while giving me a weird look.

"What?!" I shouted frustration. "Why the crap didn't you tell me!" I yelled at him.

He puts his hands in his jean pockets and he looks calmly at me as though being yelled at doesn't phase him at all. "Well, I thought we were going to grab food somewhere else," Isaac replied casually. I stalked back the we had came hoping Isaac would not follow, sadly he did. Three blocks later my urge to slap him has not grown any smaller. The only thing I'm was thankful for was the fact that Isaac had finally shut up.

As soon as we entered Five Guys I instantly smelled the savory scent of hamburgers and peanuts. My shoulders finally settled and I drew a breath helping to calm my frustration. At least a dozen and a half people were sitting at booths or tables devouring their food, almost like none of them have ever tasted anything as good. There were at least half a dozen people standing in line ready to order. Isaac and I walked over to end of the line waiting for our turn.

Obviously getting bored after not even standing for a minute in line, Isaac pulled out his phone. After the first person in line and the guy after him had ordered, Isaac started laughing. His eyes glued to the screen of his phone.

Thinking he's gone insane I glanced over at the screen. Strangely he's watch a funny cat video, and the video was on silent so I can't hear the background music. "Planning on getting a little kitty," I teased a grin pulling across my lips. Obviously surprised that I seen what he had been watching he glared at me.

"Shut up," he hissed back, his eyes narrowed.

Soon enough it is my turn to order. I quickly ordered a double cheeseburger with an order of medium fries and a medium sized drink for Keith. Ordering for myself, I got a double cheeseburger with extra pickles and a medium drink and a size of large fries. P.S. pickles are awesome. Just after I ordered, Isaac chimed in to order as though I was going to pay for him.

"Not a chance," I told him firmly, narrowing my eyes at him, eyebrows drawing together in a frown.

"Is that together?" the cashier questioned, wearing a hat that made his head look small and his ears huge.

"No," I reply, before Isaac could say anything.

I paid and sat down at the only vacant table, grateful to get off my feet. Two minutes later, Isaac walked over and sat down. He didn't talk to me though, it was almost like he's mad at me for not paying for his food. Whatever, I thought to myself smugly. "97. 98," the cashier yelled a few minutes later, alerting both Isaac and I that our food was ready. We grabbed it and left the restaurant.

Taking a look up at the sky I noticed that the clouds had seemed to have darken, like it might rain. Thankfully nearby I saw one of those vender things that sells a variety of things, including umbrellas. Quickly I ran over and purchased a large blue one. "Thank you," I told the old woman as she handed back my change. Suddenly she gripped my wrist with her iron grip.

The old woman stared into my eyes, with absolutely seriousness she whispered to me," today is your day too. As well as your friend Keith's day. Be careful, son. Things aren't always how they seem." With that she let go of my wrist and began to push her vender in the opposite way Isaac and I were going. Before I could ask her what she meant she walked across the crosswalk, while the cars were still racing passed, though amazingly she made it to the other side of the sidewalk, unscathed no less.

Wondering what she meant and how she knew all that I stood there looking at the concrete pondering. "You..ok?" Someone questioned, placing a hand on my shoulder. I turned my head to see Isaac giving me a genuinely concerned look.

"I'm fine," I told him, shrugging his hand off my shoulder. For a moment in his eyes, I saw something like disbelief, but then his face was expressionless. At which time Isaac walked passed me and in the direction of the park. With no other option I walked after him. Once I caught up to him it had just barely began to rain. With the first drop of rain I felt on my cheek, I pulled out the umbrella.


A block away from the park it started to down pour. At that point a somewhat devious idea popped into my head, causing a smirk to form on my features. Carrying out with idea I took off running leaving Isaac no longer shielded from the rain. "HEY!" Isaac shouted in surprise. Behind me I heard the distinct sound of footsteps sloshing through puddles after me.

By the time he caught up I was standing at the edge of the park waiting for him. Though he was a good runner, I was much better. When Isaac did catch up he was hard panting as well as extremely soaked.

"I hate you," he muttered under his breath looking rather peeved. Payback.

In returned the frown before commenting," hate is a strong word."

"And at this time I believe it is the appropriate word to use for how strong of an emotion I'm feeling for you," he stated standing up right from his hunched position.

"Don't have to be a smarty pants," I remarked. Isaac gave me the second worst glare I had seen all day. The first was would probably be the blonde girl who I accidentally had bumped into that morning.

Although the second after I bumped into her I felt something strange, something that I can't quite describe. Although sometimes a question has to go unanswered.

Mysterious, right? I'll update soon trust me.

Ps I can't think of a name for this chapter but if you can think of a good one that would be great! 😄


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