#Imagine People think you broke up with him

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The door rangs. I walk downstairs and I see a pissed off Luke brushing past me. "Woah hi there" I say sarcastically. He turns around and looks at me. "What's the matter?" I say stroking his cheek. "The fucking paparazzi's think we broke up! It's written in magazines, and fans are discussing it on twitter. It's not true and I'm pissed off" He basically shouts. "Ignore them Luke. They wish we had" you say simply. "How the fuck can you be so.. so 'relaxed'?!" He spats. "It's about our RELATIONSHIP. I care about this for fuck sake. But you..?" "Luke, stop it. You're just pissed off about all this and I understand that but-" before you could even finish your sentence, he interrupts you again. "No! You don't understand it either way you would react the same!" He takes a deep breath. He rubs his forehead. It stays quiet for a minute or two. "Luke.." You slowly begin. "What?" "Me is learned just to ignore all these things. The paps like it when you go insane about it. And I do care about our relationship. More than you'll ever understand." You turn your head away. A tear escaping your eye. "Oh god I'm so sorry.. Babe sorry I'm just pissed off because all this" Luke slowly says and rubs your cheeks. "As long as we are together" He smiles: "Than it's all good".


You hear your phone going off. The ID-Caller is showing 'Jai' :). You begin to smile. "Helloooo babe" You say happily. "Oh, (Y/N), this is James" you hear him say. "Oh hi James, what's up and why are you calling from Jai's phone?" You ask, slightly worried. "Jai's feeling very down at the moment. Paparazzi's and stuff made up videos and pictures how you two broke up together. It really hits him, because it where pictures where you was photoshopped with another boy" he says, bit upset too. "WHAT" you almost scream out. "I think I'm deaf but okay" James jokes slightly. "James please hand me Jai" He does what you say. You hear him sniff. "Jai hun, you okay? Please believe me and listen to me. Don't worry about all those stupid things, it's fake. It hurts me too but-" "It's fucking immature.." He quietly says. "I know and that's why you don't need to pay attention to it" You say. You feel tears streaming down your face. It upsets you when Jai's upset. "Babe it will all turn alright. I'm on my way to you" Jai says and makes kissing noises. "I love you" "Love you too"


You're staying over at Beau's and you decide to go on twitter because you haven't been online that much these days. Beau's making some dinner and you're about to get changed in pyjama's. You feel you anger boiling up when you read tweets like;

'(Y/N) left Beau alone, miserable. How immature'

'Beau is single now heyhey'

'Glad she finally decided to leave Beau. Like, she was that good for him. He's better off now. #BeausSingle'

Beau told you that you shouldn't get mad at this kind of tweets because it happens to them all day every day. But the fact that '#BeausSingle' is trending, makes you so mad. Furious. And it's like Beau is doing nothing about it. He suddenly walks in. "Dinners ready, babe" He smiles. You ignore him and keep scrolling through your timeline. "Hey what are you doing?" He walks up to you and quickly grabs your phone out of your hands. "Give it back for fuck sake!" You shout. "Whoah what's up? Why are you being mad out of nowhere?" He says and looks confused. You point at the trending hashtag and he lets out a little chuckle. "You're unbelievable" you snap and walk away, downstairs. "You should clear this shit up, not ignoring it!" You yell. He follows you. "Calm down! I chuckled because how dumb some people are! Ignore it, babe. They aren't worth our time" You look at him. "Well it's still ridiculous." "I know, but hey. Like Demi sings; LET IT GO, LET IT GOOOOOO" He sings the last part and it makes you laugh. You forget about everything and kisses him.


You're snuggled up with James on the couch. You're feeling a bit upset because you heard people say that you broke up with James. It stood on the magazine. Awful. "Are you okay?" James asks you and looks down. "Um yeah, think so" You rub your eyes. "Just tired and.. Yeah" you stretch your arms. "I'm going to bed now, I think" You want to walk away, but James grabs your wrist. "Wait.. tell me exactly what's going on." He says and looks at you, with eyes that are begging for answers. "It's just that.. The media thinks we broke up, and I don't ever want that and it kinda makes me feel insecure and okay you maybe think I'm pathetic but-" You can't even finish your sentence because James is kissing you softly. "Don't think about them. They're jealous because.. Of my ass. And yours ofcourse" He smiles and it cheers you up. James his jokes never fails to make you smile. "Let's go to bed. Oh and remember" He say and starts to twerk. "WE HAVE ASSES, GIFTED FROM GOD!!" You laugh uncontrollably.


"Let's go swimming" You say and you're about to go, but Daniel says no. "Why?" "You really don't care about it, huh?" He says quietly, looking away. "Care about what?" You still don't get it. "Well maybe you should leave, huh?! Everyone on twitter is spamming me like; 'Sorry that (Y/N) broke up, you don't need (Y/N), it's better now' ! It's pissing me off!" He says. "Calm down. It will be okay" You explain him why he shouldn't pay too much attention to it. "So, we're going to the beach...... Or nah?" You smile and he smiles too.

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