Beautiful. Chapter 5.

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Michael had never felt this kind of connection to someone this fast before. The sleeping boy next to him will be someone special for Michael. Luke fell asleep before Michael the night before, and Michael still woke up before him. The bonfire had burn out and now it was just a grey pile of ashes. The fruit bowls were empty. Michael checked the time. 09.30 am.

Not bad.

He could hear the morning birds singing in the treetops. He felt calm. Tomorrow he finally can go to work and work something out, with his house problem. Michael needs to buy a place as soon as possible. Maybe he had got answers from the ads he was interested in. Michael sat up, his back hurting really bad. He hissed in pain.

"Back problems?" A raspy voice said. Michael looked over at Luke. He stretched where he was laying on the ground with a blanket over his slim body.

"Yeah" Michael said with a small laugh, it was not really a laugh. More like a fast breath. "Always had problems with my back, never tried to go to a doctor though" Luke nodded and smiled a bit. His eyes were still closed. He looked so peaceful, breathing slowly. Michael really wanted to touch his face. Stop it Michael, you are acting like a creep.

"What are you doing today?" Michael asked after a while. Luke opened his eyes slowly and looked over at Michael.

"I'm helping mum with chores, I do the laundry" Luke answered and turned his body so he was facing Michael with his whole body.

"What do your parents work with?" Michael asked.

"Dad have two jobs, one day and one night job. He doesn't get a lot of sleep. Both at two restaurants. Mum doesn't work, she have problems with her body. We barely survive to be honest" Luke said and Michael nodded slowly.

Michael knows that Luke could try to make him feel bad and give his family money. But he had a feeling that Luke was not like that. He is too pure to do something like that.

"What is wrong with your mother?"

"Not sure, I only know she is getting weaker every day. We can't afford a doctor really" This sadden Michael a lot. Luke's mums problems sounds like Michael's mother. The difference is that Michael's mother refused to go to a doctor.

Michael's family have always been rich. Michael's old old grandfather started the hotel. It is a family business, a successful one. Michael's mother died a year ago. Cancer. Michael's dad killed himself after Michael's mother's death. They left him. Everyone leave Michael in the end.

"Do you have a job?" Michael finally asked.

"Yes. I don't get paid well but it's at least helping my family a bit and I can pay for my phone" He said and looked down at the ground.

"I can fix a job for you at my hotel, if you want" Michael said, Luke's head snapped up and looked shocked.

"Can you do that?"

"I own the place, of course I can fix a job somewhere in the building" Michael said and smiled.

"That would really help me and my family"

"I will check where we need someone and then I will tell you, okay?"

"You're amazing, thank you so much Michael" The sound of Michael's name coming from the boy's mouth sent shivers down Michael's spine.

What is this boy doing to me?

About an hour passed then Luke had to go to help his mother. They said goodbye and Luke left. Michael wanted to hug the boy. But he did not do it.

Michael went to his car and got in to the driver seat. He needed petrol and food. He was starving. He drove his way to the city. Michael went to his favourite restaurant. He had been going there since he was little, with his family. He ordered a pizza and sat down at a table. While eating his pizza he checked his phone.

Luke Hemmings. Michael searched on Facebook. No results. He looked on Instagram. One result. luke_is_a_penguin. Michael looked at a few pictures. A lot of pictures of a dog and also pictures of the forest they met in. He had one picture of himself. A beautiful picture of him sitting on a cliff, the ocean behind him. He had the red flannel shirt on that he wore two days ago. He were smiling and looking away from the camera.

He is beautiful.

Michael turned his phone off fast.

Stop Michael.

He started to blush because of the thought. He needs to stop thinking about this boy in that way. He is a friend. And most importantly. A boy. Michael ate his pizza and sat in the same seat for hours just drinking coffee and looking through his phone. He had nothing better to do.

He might have looked at the picture of Luke for at least one of those hours.   


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