Rule breaker. Chapter 15.

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4 months later.

Michael was back at work. He never leaves it now days. He had been sleeping in his office for two months now. He did not dare to go home again. He went home after being at the hospital for a month. He simply just walked in to his bedroom and when he saw the messy bed he remembered, him.

Liz asked if he would like to stay with them but he kindly said no. He will never put his foot inside of that cabin again. It meant bad luck.

He just brought his costume and bought a new shirt. He now lives in the hotel. For some reason he does not think about him there. Michael know that he should but if he works all the time then his mind was clear from him.

Gretel was worried because he never left his office, he did not do things as usual. Only about once a week when he had to wash his clothes or get new hot chocolate for his machine.

Gretel tried to talk to him but he did not answer. He was not talking. He did not feel like he had to. The only one he really wanted to talk to was gone.

Michael had never been this broken before. The first weeks he just cried. Everyday. Now he sits at his desk without a single expression on his face and just do his work.

He did manage to get more money to the hotel by different things. They were doing amazing. Earning money Michael did not need. But he knew other people needed it.

Michael got done with paying his apartment and started on another paper. He paid it for months ahead. Five to be exact.

He gave the jar on his desk a glance. The jar he had been staring at for months now. He shook his head and scratched his neck. He focused on the screen again, trying to focus at least.

Suddenly he caught himself staring at it again. Reading all the small letters over and over again. He reached for it but stopped himself. He shook his head and put his head in his hands because of pure frustration.

He sat like that for five minutes and then slowly looked at the screen again. He was writing in a word document, he sighed and finished what he had started on. He printed it out and signed it. He looked at the piece of paper in his hands. He once again shook his head.

This is stupid.

He opened the drawer and was about to put the paper he just signed down. He saw a few letters that made Michael's face become as pale as the white shirt he was wearing.

'OLDEN BO' was what he could see under the papers. With shaky hands he grabbed the paper and pulled it out. There it was.

There he was.

Michael touched the paper, following the lines that he drawn many months ago, before he knew him. The drawing was messy but he still loved it. He captured many features well. His hair, his lips, his eyes, his nose, his arms, his hands, his legs-

Tears were now streaming down Michael's cheeks. The first real emotion in a month from him.

Small tears dropped down on the paper like small diamonds. With shaky hands he grabbed a pen and started to write down his thoughts on a paper while glancing at the beautiful drawing. It did not look perfect but it did not matter. No one will find it. Not in time anyway.

He sat up and rested his back against the backrest on his expensive chair and watched the paper.

Dried tears were stuck on his cheek and they started to itch. He was about to get up when he saw the paper he signed. He then once again glanced at the jar standing in front of him.

MAX DOSAGE: 1/DAY. It said with big bold letters.

I have always been a rule breaker.

Michael rubbed his cheek to get the tears away and then grabbed the paper. He read it all through. He put it down neatly on the desk.

Then picked up the drawing of him, folded it and put it in his pocket. He slowly grabbed the bottle of pills and also put it in his pocket. He slowly turned around and saw his beautiful red roses were dead. He had forgot to give them water. He touched the fragile material of the dead rose.

He smiled. It felt weird but Michael kept smiling, it was the first smile in four months. He gave the rose a soft stroke and walked over to the door. Michael turned the light off in the room and turned around one more time before walking out of the office.

He could feel the maids staring at their boss that had been hiding for months. He could hear whispers and also his name. He ignored them and kept walking.

He walked in to the right elevator and pressed the button to the entrance. At the reception desk Gretel was standing talking to some guests. Michael waited on the side.

The two guests got their key to their room and Michael then walked up to the desk. Gretel looked shocked. Michael was pale. The bags under his eyes were almost purple and his hair was a mess. Michael had his costume on.

"Hi Gretel" Michael said. His voice was raspy. It was the first real words he had said in a week.

"Hello Michael" Gretel said and smiled. "Are you going somewhere?"

"Yes, could you be an angel and go up to my office before you go home tonight?" He asked and rested his arms on the desk.

"Sure, what do you need me to do?" She asked.

"Give my roses water"

"Okay, are you in a hurry?" She asked while studying Michael slowly.

"Yes. I have a meeting" He said and she nodded."Thank you so much Gretel" Michael said with a smile.

He turned towards thedoor and walked outside. He did not have a car anymore. It was destroyed. He simply went to the bus station. Next bus was coming in thirty minutes.

Well fuck.  


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