Mike? Chapter 16.

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He sat down on a bench and waited. His hands were in his pocket, holding the piece of paper. He was just staring in to nothing. He focused on exactly nothing. This is a way for Michael to not break down.

He could feel someone sitting down on the same bench. Michael turned his head a bit to be able to see who decided to sit beside the depressed boy in tie and suit with faded galaxy hair.

Beside him a boy with golden curly hair. He was listening to music looking down on the ground.

Ashton Irwin.

Michael's friend from school. He had not seen the boy in years. He had changed a lot, Michael had too. Ashton moved out the town and after that they lost contact.

Ashton could feel eyes on him so he turned towards Michael. He did not recognize Michael at first. Michal gave him a small smile and that was when Ashton realised.

"Mike? Oh my god" Ashton said and basically threw himself over Michael. He hugged Michael tightly.

"It have been so long since last time" Michael said with a chuckle.

"It have been about ten years" Ashton said and smiled. They looked at each other. "You look great though, puberty hit you well"

Michael rolled his eyes and shook his head with a smile. "I am a mess right now but you look amazing"

"Well thank you Clifford, what are you doing now days?"

"Well, I am the owner of the hotel my father owned, I work a lot" Michael said.

"That is really cool, wow! I am just here for a job interview, me and my boyfriend want to move back here"

"Do not tell me it is that Andy Biersack bloke" Michael said. Ashton had a wide smile on his lips and Michael gaped.

Ashton and Andy met in school and were best friends. Ashton told Michael that he had a crush on Andy so Michael told Andy. Without Ashton's permission. "That is amazing Ash"

"Yes, I am happy and in love" Ashton said with a smile that made Michael's heart hurt. "How about you? I think I saw you were married somewhere"

"Oh. Yes. I was married, still am but we are not together. I do not dare to meet her again. We have not started with the paper work for divorce yet, I did send in a request though" Michael said and did not know if he should mention him. "I met a guy a few months ago though"

"Oh really? Yay, I have gay friend" Ashton said with a happy voice. Michael smiled. "Tell me about him! How did you meet? Is he cute or hot?"

"Yes, he is amazing. We met in my get away place in the woods, you know? He is cute, funny, beautiful" The last word Michael's heart drop. It hurts. "Oh, where are you staying?"

"At some motel down the road, I will just be here for a week so it is okay" He said. Michael got a pen out of his blazer together with a piece of paper. He wrote a small note and signed it.

"Here, you can take the junior suite on floor five. It is my favourite floor, you do not have to pay. It is all on me" Michael said and gave Ashton the small piece of paper. He wrote something that only he would write. That way Gretel knew that it was from Michael.

"No, that is way too expensive! Thank you Michael but-"

"Please? It would make me happy. It is a gift to say I am sorry for not keeping in touch" Michael said. "Money is not a problem, trust me" Ashton nodded and smiled. He looked up and a bus was approaching the platform.

"That is my bus. Thank you so much Michael, we will keep in touch this time" Ashton said and hugged Michael once again.

I am sorry Ashton.

Michael nodded and waved towards him and then he was gone. Michael's bus came only a few minutes after Ashton's and he got on. He paid the bus driver and gave her a huge tip then he sat down.

He took the bottle out and got two pills out. He put one on his tongue and swallowed it. He did the same with the other one and then rested against the back rest.

I am coming Luke.


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