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chapter 6// sunday, march 17

day nine

The party was still going on despite the fact that it was two am on Sunday. Jordan had managed to sober up, but instantly went back to her drunken ways after wandering towards the kitchen. Surprisingly, the party didn't die down, instead, the DJ had cranked the music up and couples were on the dance floor grinding on one another. Jordan and Gerard were the star of the show. If I didn't know better, I'd thought they were fucking. But that thought instantly went out the window once I saw Gerard and Jordan were fully clothed. I sighed, leaning back in my chair, a cup full of my rum mixture in my hand. I took a long sip, letting the strong drink move its way down my throat. My eyes wandered the room and immediately landed on Nevaeh and Caden. They looked so in love. His hands were trailing her body as her pink lips left trail marks down to the stubble that he was growing. He leaned in, deepening a kiss between them. I wanted to barf knowing that the mouth that he went down on me with was now carressing another woman. It almost hurt to watch, but instead of looking away, I stared on.

As if they could feel me watching them, Nevaeh locked eyes with me. I didn't smile at her, just continued to watch. She seemed to dance a little harder, and feel all him even more sensual. It looked as if she was claiming her property and whatever sweet facade she had on before was instantly thrown out the window. I coughed, looking away and getting up. Sitting here moping around was not how I wanted to end this party. There was plenty of fine men around and even though I wasn't drunk, I definitely wasn't sober either. I made my way downstairs were most of the men were. On my way down, the aura definitely changed. It was hazy down there and the smell of weed clogged up my nose.

I caught sight of a group of men sitting around the table, the white haunting substance in front of them. I looked longingly at the pile. I didn't know why all of a sudden the sudden urge to do it ran over my body. I had promised myself no more, yet here I was edging myself towards the table. I cleared my throat and immediately the men looked up. "Hi, uh, can I blow?" I asked before I could even think about it. The men looked taken back, but the first one to look up at me scooted over, leaving me space to sit down. I immediately began the routine, lining up the white powder in thin lines. As if I hadn't stopped snorting in a minute, I sniffed the line down with no problem. The guy who scooted over clapped, surprised that a little body like me could handle it. I smiled, chuckling as I repeated the process.

"Brenden." He stated, reaching his hand out. I bit my lip, eyeing him. He definitely was easy on the eye, and he was rich. "I'm Nadia." I stated, blurting out a name. There was no way in hell I was going to let him know who I really was. Hopefully, this would be the last time I see him. "So, you want to go chill upstairs? I know a room that's free." I stated. Brenden nodded, following me as I lead him up the stairs. I could feel his lustful eyes looking at how fat my ass looked in the dress I picked out. From the looks of it, he knew exactly how to work his way in the bed. Finally, we showed up in front of the door. Brenden closed the door behind us and immediately dropped his pants. From the look of his bulge in his boxers, he was big. But definitely not as big as Caden. "Can you suck it a bit?" Brenden asked. I nodded. Usually, I would've obliged, but the high made me feel as if I was on top of the world. I got myself situated on my knees in front of Brenden's package. He wiggled himself out of his boxers allowing his hard meat to be exposed in the air.

I wrapped my mouth around his shaft, moving in an up and down motion. "Watch the teeth." Brenden stated. I nodded, attempting to get all of his body in my mouth. Brenden leaned back, moans of ecstacy filling the room. I felt proud, for I never was a pro and giving head. I had never expected it to feel so good. Brenden removed himself from my mouth, laying me down ontop of the bed. He began removing my dress leaving me in nothing but the panties I had put on. Brenden's lips trailed over my breast, cupping them in his hand before allowing his tongue to swirl over my nipples. I enjoyed it, for who knew the next time I'd be given this pleasure. I arched my back, moaning in ecstacy. Brenden's fingers trailed down towards my underwear, giving them a quick tug until I was completely nude. Brenden smirked at me, pulling a condom out of his pocket and slipping it on. I closed my eyes, waiting for him to enter inside of me. My walls clenched at the sudden impulse, his hard manhood entering in and out of me. He groaned aggresively into my ear as I clawed his back.

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