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chapter eight // march 28th, 2014

day twenty

Nevaeh was back in town. I found this detrimental considering I was almost to the half way mark. Somehow Nevaeh had gotten hold of my phone number, and wouldn't stop reminding me about the dinner party she was planning to have with everybody from Jordan's party. I politely obliged, but because of this, I apparently owed her. Which was possibly why I was getting ready to go over to a hall where Nevaeh would be hosting her annual luncheon with all of the Atlanta Devils. It was kid friendly, and she ordered me to bring Ayako. I was quite skeptical about this, for Ayako saw way too many things everytime Caden took us out. Just yesterday, Ayako had almost witnessed us kiss. 

Caden had picked me up so I could attend work with him. Literally. He believed the only way to make the paparazzi believe us, is to be actually seen doing work. So I followed him to basketball practiced where I sat on the sidelined and filled out different paperwork for him. I would've slapped him and walked away for him making me do that, but I was getting paid by the hour, so I was glad that I was working 9 to 5. I sighed, glancing at myself in the mirror. Dress code was strictly enforced, and according to Nevaeh, it was dressy casual. I had no idea what the fuck that meant, so I just threw on a simple sheer top and a black skater skirt. Checking on my curls, I twirled in the mirror and headed towards Ayako's room.

I chuckled at the sight of her attire. She was going through one of her tutus phase where all she wanted to wear were tutus. She had on a bright pink tutu and a pink tank top. I shook my head. "You can't wear your tutu tonight Ayako." I stated. She pouted crossing her arms. "But...you can wear your favorite lace shirt?" I asked, hoping it would cheer her up. Immediately, Ayako smiled. She knew that if I let her wear her lace shirt, it was a pretty important event. I watched her change out of her old outfit, and throw on the new one I picked out. She had on a lace shirt with a bright blue undershirt underneath it. It was possibly one of her only fancy shirts and she loved wearing it. She declined wearing my favorite blue jeans, instead wanting to wear her khaki shorts Jordan had bought her for her birthday. I ran my fingers through her hair, pulling it up in a quick and easy bun. Ayako looked beautiful.

"You ready?" I asked. Ayako tapped her chin. "Wait, let me get my purse." She stated, pulling her black purse from her drawer. Inside of it was a secret, for she never let anyone get that close to it. She hung on to it for it was a gift from her mom, just three weeks before she died. I couldn't help but be jealous because the only thing I had in remembrance of my mother were memories, and day after day they were becoming shorter and shorter. I held onto Ayako's hand as we headed out the door. I could tell she was excited, for it was a Wednesday and she got to skip school. She couldn't stop rambling on about how it was an adventure. I let her have her fun, of course warning her to not mention anything to Aron. She nodded, for she knew all about Aron's strict ways.

I stopped at the front desk to hand the money to Towanda. "I have the rent money." I stated, pulling out $500 dollars. Towanda looked shock, for she was used to our late payments and struggle to keep up. She eyed me. "You not hanging out with that hoodlum right?" Towanda asked. She knew Jermaine for there were plenty of times where I left late at night to go meet up with him, or when he came to our apartment dropping off strange boxes (they usually held cocaine.) Towanda possibly put two and two together and knew what was going on. I rolled my eyes, shaking my head. "Raise." I stated, mentally high fiving myself for the quick comeback. Towanda eyed me up and down before turning and smiling at Ayako.

I excused us and headed towards the bus station. Thankfully, as soon as we got there, the bus was pulling up. Ayako was hungry, and I knew standing in a line would only get her more irritated. I clutched her close to my side as we found a spot near the front. I sat her down on the ugly brown seats and held onto the pole next to it. "I'm so hungry I could eat a horse!" Ayako pouted. I chuckled at her. "We'll be there soon and then you can eat." I stated. I felt for her. Who knew how long she had a decent meal? Just last night she ate PB&J, and even then she was hungry. Maybe after all of this died down, I could actually focus on the family.

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