~ Freaky Encounters ~

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Chapter : Three


A/N : Has anyone seen the You & I music video ?? Best 1D video ever !!! Enough rambling , enjoy !!!


□■□■□ Jades POV □■□■□

Then I remembered. Hailey has dreams the odd time that come true. I looked at everyone who was staring at her with strange looks tyen my mouth opened not even comprehending what I was saying.  " Hailey do you know how stupid you sound ? " I spat. What the hell just happened ? Why did I say that ? I wasnt even thinking that . Everyone gasped and turned to me with their mouths gaped open. Hailey looked like she was gonna say something when I stopped her by opening my mouth again. " You know what don't even say anything , stupid blonde " I mumbled the last two words then slapped a hand over my mouth when I realised what I just said .

I suddenly felt the world spinning and then it stopped with a 'ding' that rang through my head. Now I feel normal again . " Hailey im sorry I wasnt even controlling my mouth , I didnt mean it " I pleaded.

" Forget it lets just go inside " She hung her head . Niall glared at me . If looks could kill he would've already killed me. Niall wrapped his arm around Hailey then walked into the house with Louis. What . Have . I . Done ? Was all I could think. I just cant figure out what happened . Why did I say those things ? It literally felt like my mouth wasnt , my mouth . 

□■□■□ Haileys POV □■□■□

I was shocked at Jades outburst . Shes never ever ever done that . The weird thing is after those things were said , a flash of red ran through her eyes then a black mist drifted from her over into the woods. Am I crazy ? Delusional ? Cenial ? I wonder if anyone else saw what I saw ? Although.....maybe I shouldn't say anything otherwise the boys might take me to the padded room. If you know what im talking about ?

I walked through the front doors with Louis and Niall , the first thing I noticed was portraits hanging in the hallway. While Niall and Louis walked off I looked more closely at the pictures. One had a middle aged women wearing a baige colour gown with a white bonnet.  The next had a man that looked about forty-ish in a black vest with a white shirt under and a red hat , he had one of those strange mustaches that curled. The next was a girl with blonde long hair and she was wearing a white ......robe.

My heart stopped as I looked at her . It was the girl in my dream . " Hey Hailey come check this out !! " I heard Niall shout.

" Okay where are you? "

" In the kitchen " I went to the kitchen and saw Niall standing by a wooden door. " Look in there isn't it creepy !? " Niall spoke in a strange tone. He opened the door and I peeked in to see nothing but wood beams and concrete floors. I looked at Niall and he laughed.

" Its not creepy at all " I scoffed. 

" I know I just thought I could scare you , let me turn off the light then we can go unpack " He chuckled.  I watched as he walked into the door and turned off the light , then the door slammed shut.

" Niall !? " I shrieked.  I went over to the door and tried to open it but it didnt work. " NIALL !! " I yelled panicking and kicking the door.

" Yes ? " I spun around to see him behind me . I screamed out of horror . " Am I that scary ? " Niall came closer.

" But you...... the door ... I mean you ...  huh ? " Niall went over to the door and opened it with no problem.  I looked in and nothing was in there. " I thought you were ....but weren't you ..... " 

  □■□■□ Nialls POV □■□■□

I heard Hailey calling my name and when I walked into the kitchen seeing her pulling on the door , I assumed she needed help opening the door. " Yes ? " I said. She turned around and screamed with fear taking over her face. " Am I that scary ? " I asked walking to her. She started babbling on and I had absolutely no clue what she was talking about. " Hailey are you okay ? Can you explain what happened to me ? "

" Im fine and no just ......just forget what you saw . Alright ? " I nodded then she walked off . What the hell just happened ? Ever since we arrived here everyone has been acting fishy. Is it the air ? Or maybe food they ate ?


A/N : Ooooh its getting creepier . What happened with Niall ? How was he in the kitchen then not ? STRANGE !!! Im obsessed with the You & I music video , I've watched it a thousand times !!! Literally !!! No just kidding but seriously its the best music video ever !!! :) :) BTW im changing the name of this book to ......... Until The End . Vote , comment and follow me on Twitter @Emmiewhite0411 . I always follow back :)

- Emily ♡♥♡♥♡♥

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