~ Murderer ~

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Chapter : Six


~ Nialls POV ~

This is hopeless.  Theres no tracks because of the stupid rain. Im never gonna find Hailey or Harry. No stop , just stop thinking like that Niall !! Your gonna find them . You have to . Its raining and thundering . Shit Hailey is petrified of thunder storms , I hope shes found Harry then atleast she has someone. " Hailey !! " " Harry !! " No answer. I sighed and out of anger kicked a rock I didn't realise was stuck in the ground. " Son of a bitch !! " I yelled in pain. Stupid rock !! " I hate you !! " I screamed. 

~ Harry's POV ~

I woke up on a couch. I sighed knowing I was still in the house , not the one Louis rented. Remembering Hailey was with me , I glanced over to the loveseat where she fell asleep and to my surprise , she was gone. I jumped off the couch and began yelling her name. " Hailey !?! " No answer. Just then I heard a scream.

" I hate you !! " Wait is that an Irish accent ? I rushed to the door and opened it , just realising now that it was still raining , but now thundering also.

" Niall !? " I yelled. He stopped cursing at the ground and ran to me , then tried to squeeze the life out of me. " Niall . Can't . Breathe.  " I said gasping for air. He pulled away then muttered a sorry. 

" Have you come across Hailey anywhere ? " He asked. I suddenly got a lump in my throat and my heart sank into my stomach. What do I say ? Yeah she was with me but then I lost her . Ohh yeah great thing to tell him. Note my sarcasm. should I say I haven't seen her ? No that would be lying. But maybe thats the best thing to do right now. " Harry ? " Niall brought me out of my thoughts.

" Uhhmm. ....no I haven't , maybe she went back to the house " Lie. I don't know what happened to her and im scared. No im terrified. 

" Yeah maybe " Niall sighed. " The rain has let up some. Lets go back " He suggested.  I nodded and grabbed my jacket closing the door and following Niall out to the road.

~ Jades POV ~

I watched the rain pitter patter in the puddles and the odd crack of lighting would flash through the sky. Right now im alone in the house. Louis , Zayn , Perrie and Eleanor went outside to the wood shed to get some more wood and Liam is here but he's sleeping. Something I don't get , is why the wood shed is so far away ? Its about a mile in the bush and down a creepy trail with trees that feel like they're talking to you. Its strange.

I wish Hailey , Harry and Niall would hurry up and get back. My gut tells me they're all okay so im not as worried as I was.

~ Liams POV ~

I woke up with this strange feeling.  When I was asleep , its like I was awake but I couldn't see and my body .....wasn't mine. Does that make any sense ? I slowly crawled out of bed and found myself making my way towards Haileys bedroom.  Once again not controlling my own body. I turned the door knob and there on the floor was the most horrifying sight. My hands suddenly felt wet and sticky , I looked down to see my hands covered in blood. " Look what you did Liam " A voice whispered. I looked down at Haileys lifeless body and thought for a second. Did I do this ?

" Who are you ? " I asked cautiously. 

" Its not who I am . Its who are you ? " It was a female voice. What was she talking about who am I ? " Your a murderer " Her words sent shivers down my spine.

" No no im not !! " My voice was high pitched while I was now on the verge of tears.

" Liam , Liam , Liam " She tisked. " Its obvious , look at your hands . Look at the bloody finger prints on Hailey " I looked at what she was saying. Around her neck and on her forehead were my prints. " They're yours "

" I - I didn't mean to " I cried. " I don't even remember " This was horrible. What is everyone gonna think ? As if on cue I heard Jade yell Harry and Nialls names. " What do I do ? " I asked. No reply. I looked up to see she was gone. Then something that scared me the most I heard someone come up the stairs.

" Liam ? Why are you in Hail - OH MY GAWD !! " Jade sank to the ground.

" Jade I promise I didn't do it " I crawled closer to her.

" NO NO STAY AWAY YOU ....YOU PHYCO PATH !! " She screamed making her way to the door. Then Harry and Niall appeared. 

" Why is there so much yel - LIAM !? " Harry shrieked.  Niall just stood there wide eyed.

" Guys I swear I didn't do this , I was framed by ...by " Shit whats her name ? I didn't get her name !!

" Save it Liam we aren't stu - " Harry was cut off by Niall.

" IM GONNA FUCKING KILL YOU !! " He screamed through tears. Thats the worst sight ever , is seeing Niall cry. Well actually this is the worst scene ever. Next thing I knew Niall was on top of me . He started puching and kicking where ever he could.

" Niall Niall stop please I didn't do it " I said .

" Your a liar !! " He spat getting off me. " You don't deserve to live !! " Those words hit me hard. Niall and I were close , like really close . Harry and Louis were best of friends while Niall and I were best of friends. Now . Well now we're turning against eachother.And its all because of this so called ' vacation '.If we wouldn't have come , none of this would've happened. Just as simple as that. But noooo, like always Louis screws everything up !! Oh my god , this is bad , this is real , bad . Now im blaming poor Louis .

" Liam ? " Jade whispered from the grasped of Harry. " Did you do it ? " Her eyes were glued to mine. What do I say ? She said i did do it  but I don't rememeber , and why on earth would I kill Hailey ? It makes no sense .

" Possessed " Harry whispered. His eyes lit up like a christmas tree in the middle of the night. 

" Harry what are you talking about ? " Niall scoffed still angry wait no....FURIOUS. 

" Okay Niall your really gonna hate me but yes , yes Hailey was with me in the house and she told me how people have pretty much been possessed.  And that there's like a doppelganger " Thats the fastest I have ever heard Harry Styles talk. " So that means ...... thats not Hailey " He pointed to the body in front of me.

" Im confused what the hell is a doppelbanger ? " Niall asked.

" Doppelganger " Harry said slowly. " Its a spirit or something that can change or morph into a different person " He explained. I already knew what it was , but Niall being Niall wouldn't. 

" So what your saying is that , Liam really was framed by this Doppler - thingy and that Hailey isn't dead ? " Jade stood up beside Harry and Niall. I was glade someone was smart enough to figure all this out. But the thing that puzzles me is when did Harry get so smart ? ITS A MIRACLE !!

" Exactly " He confirmed. " and its doppelganger . D - O - P - P - E -L - G - A - N - G - E - R " He spelt out.

" I don't care . want me to spell that ? " Niall was being a smart ass.

" Guys stop " Jade commanded.  " Okay if thats not Hailey , then where is she ? "


A/N : Okay so Hailey isn't dead .....yet...or maybe she is ....mawhahahaha !!! Yeah im a freak and I don't care ......love it !!! Lol . Anyway everyone should go check out Happily by my best friend Ellers824. Its a One Direction Fanfic too , but not horror . Please vote , comment and follow me on Twitter @Emmiewhite0411

- Emily

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