Its Over

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A/N : Sorry I know I haven't updated in forever , but here it is !!


Chapter : Sixteen


Jades POV

We all stood there looking down to the main floor where Haileys body suddenly disappeared.  It was right there just a few seconds ago ! " Hello everyone " The familiar Doncaster accent rang through my ears. We all slowly turned to see Hailey , Niall , Eleanor and Louis . " So , who would like to go first ? " He asked with a smirk.

" C'mon Lou , you don't have to do this . You have to fight Lucy " Harry pleaded . Louis let out a bitter laugh.

" No thanks " He said. " If no ones going to step forward then I guess I'll choose one ..... " He looked down the line of us five . me  Harry , Liam , Perrie and Zayn . " I think I'll go with .... " Louis was cut off by the sound of a clock dinging . We all gasped then turned to the clock in the hall that read 12:00 PM . Everyones faces were plastered with smiles.

" No ! No ! This isn't fair ! " Lucy yelled . " How are you guys not dead !? " She turned to dust and all that was left was a pile of dirt. I glanced over to where Louis , Niall , Eleanor and Hailey stood . Their eyes started to go back to normal then they looked up at us then looked at each other.

" Jade ! " Hailey ran to me .

" Oh my god , you guys are okay " I squeaked.  We all group hugged .

" Before anything else happens , lets get out of here ! " Niall shrieked. 

" Agreed " All of us said in sync.

* Back At home *

" And then there was this .....evil ghost that possessed me , Niall , Louis and Eleanor " If you could see Hailey right now , you'd be laughing. She's trying to explain to our parents about the house .

" Hailey you've got quite the imagination " My mum laughed.

" But but you guys seen it too " She said turning to the lads and I . We all just laughed . " You guys are mean , be ready for payback " She growled.

" Oh no Hailey is possessed again " Louis joked.

* 1 Year Later *

" Hey guys ! " Louis called . " I found a place we could stay at for this summer "

" NO ! " All of us shouted. Louis started laughing.

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