Chapter 3

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♪Chapter Song♪

"Delicate" by Damion Rice

(I do not own it)


Chapter 3

I FEEL SO conflicted in this moment. Today is one of the Ready Step testing days for the Freshman class, a test that prepares them for the PSAT and the SAT. I remember when I would get all stressed out and paranoid from it, but now, being a senior and all, I don't have to take it.

Anyway, back to the problem at hand.

Usually on testing days, not only do certain class periods last longer, throwing off my sense of timing, but the school library is reserved for certain classes taking the specific tests.

Today is one of those days.

I usually go either to the library during lunch (in and out of the cafeteria line and straight there to avoid human interaction) or I'll go out to eat sometimes. Today, however, I can't go out to eat because I didn't drive myself to school.

This morning, Dad dropped me off at school driving my car because directly after, it was scheduled for a tune-up at the Auto and Parts place in town. After school, when my car is all tuned up and what-not, he's supposed to pick me up in my car and drive me home. That way, I can drop my things off at home and have my car back while he takes his car with him to work.

Sounded like a great idea until now, though. I hadn't realized that I was going to have to eat in the student-filled cafeteria.

I hate going in there. If there's anywhere in the school where stereotypes are visible, it's in the cafeteria. In the cafeteria, where you sit practically defines who you are. If you sit outside of the cafeteria, then you don't matter.

In all honesty, I would rather not matter than be labeled as the "mute, loner-freak chick with no friends". I don't like to show it, but their words hurt me on a deeply personal level.

I stand in front of my locker and think. Maybe if I get a table far enough away from everyone that taunts me, but then slightly close enough to those he ignore me, I can go unnoticed by everyone.

Skipping lunch is not an option today, especially when I've already ditched breakfast this morning.

I heave an uneven breath that I'd been subconsciously holding and tug a hand through my mane, unhooking my wristlet from the metal peg inside of my locker. I hesitantly shut my locker door and resist the urge to bite my nails.

The moment I'm standing about a foot from the cafeteria entrance way, I come to a complete halt. Social anxiety will be the dealth of me if I enter this place...

So do I really want to do this?

My stomach growls in answer. I pull my sweatshirt closer to my skin and straighten my shoulders, taking a step into the crowded room...

And slump my shoulders again. Quickly, I dash to a lunch line, like always, and stand at the line's end. Ahead, I see that they are serving the famous, thin, crunchy, expensive french fries. I already know I'm getting those. Oh, and the lasagne. The only other edible things other than the fries are their pastas, all of which are quite yummy.

I reach for a styrofoam tray with steaming lasagne on one of it's corners. Regardless of the fact that it's school lunch, it smells like an italian cuisine's heaven.

The line progresses forward and I add the medium sized basket of french fries onto the tray, along with an apple and sparkling water from the fruit basket by the register.

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