Chapter 9 - Snow

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Just... What was happening?

Lyon dragged me upstairs after saying goodbye to Juvia. I looked at him waiting for him to either explain himself or put himself in a good position for me to punch him without breaking anything.

"Okay, first of all, nothing happened between me and Juvia and nothing would've happened even if you hadn't interrupted." I was more confused than ever and that didn't calm me down. Seriously, I was ten seconds from punching him with all my strength. "She likes you... " he let out a deep breath while his sad eyes were gazing at nowhere. "Even if you're a complete idiot, she doesn't seem to see that..." I tried to ignore the fact than he called me an idiot and waited for him to finish talking. "But... I still want her to be happy, so I told her you liked her."

"What!?" I would've done something worse than just scream at him if he didn't look so broken already.

"She wasn't interested in anything I talked to her about, it was obvious that she was distracted with something else. But then the topic changed to you. And she, for once, really wanted to hear what I was saying and she would always take your side when I insulted you or anything of the sort. That's when I told her you liked her, but she didn't believe me, so I told her that if you saw me almost kissing her you would come to me right away and possibly try to kill me."... "And as you know, you did, but it didn't look like she believed you like her back. That's why I think you should tell her."

I looked at the ground thinking about what he was saying. The rage fading away. I felt a little bad for him. I'm sure it hurts to say something like that. He took yet another deep breath before looking at me with a serious look.

Does Juvia actually like me? It looks like It's obvious to anyone else but to me... I think that's because, I never really thought that someone like her could love someone like me...

But then again, if an organized girl like Lucy can love an idiotic klutz like Flame brain, and a guy with a fake fiancée can love a redheaded demon... Then maybe Juvia's warm smile can be meant for someone cold like me too.

"So, you're gonna tell her?" I looked at Lyon again. Maybe It's time, nothing bad happened to her since that thing with the bus so... Maybe I'll do it. I just have to wait for the right moment and then, just take that leap.

"I think so..." Lyon smiled faintly at my answer.

"But I'll still kill you if you ever hurt her." His threat was useless, I would never hurt her. Never.

I went to bed rather early, even if I couldn't fall asleep for a long time. Something was off, something bothered me. I felt worried about... Something... I didn't know what.

'I'm sure it's nothing.' I tried to fall asleep and after a while, I did.

I woke up with someone knocking on the door. I groaned before getting up and answer it. On my way to the door, I saw that Lyon wasn't in his room and Natsu's keys were on the table. Maybe it was him.

When I opened the door I figured that I was right. It was Natsu... And Lucy, and Erza and a blue haired girl who I knew was also Juvia's friend.

"What?" I asked. I was still half asleep but it was hard not to notice that all the girls had been crying. I stepped aside letting them in. Natsu was the first one to say something.

"Ice Princess, that is Levy..." He pointed towards the blue haired girl in the room and she tried to smile at me, yet failing. I was getting worried. Where's Juvia in all of this anyway.

"Where's Juvia?" Everyone froze. My worry wasn't decreasing. I stood up from the couch I was sitting on. I was fully awake now, this is serious. I watched as Natsu tried to comfort Lucy who had her hands on her mouth, trying to keep herself from screaming and crying. Levy and Erza hugged each other. I tried to prepare myself for whatever was coming but I couldn't. And when Natsu finally talked. I just... I just couldn't believe his words...

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