Chapter 12 - Family

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"Okay... I'll admit that was a great story..." I said looking at my dad. I don't usually like that cheesy type of story but... Come on, they are my parents, I like them.

"Well, I just thought you'd like to know the story of how your parents met so..."

"Are you kidding? It was so great!" I sent a glare to my brother. Sure, we are twins but damn, we are totally different. I think his personality is more like mom's.

"Are you sure you're a boy?" He glared back, even if his dark blue eyes scared no one. Well, when he wasn't serious they didn't...

Dad got up from the couch where he was sitting and put his hand on my blue hair. Rin smirked for two seconds before dad did the same to him, but then he turned to me.

"Do you always have to be like that to your brother?"

"Of course! You had a brother too! You said uncle Lyon and you fought too when you told us that story!" He opened his mouth to answer but seemed to hesitate.

"... It wasn't that bad... "

We heard a laugh from the kitchen. I knew I could count with mom on my side. She came to the living room where we were trying to suppress the laughter.

"What? Is wasn't that bad..." She took my father's hands.

"Darling, you and Lyon would even destroy furniture when you fought. And Natsu too... And you weren't fifteen like them. You were much older..." I saw my father looking away.

"You should be on my side, you know?" Mom smiled and kissed him and was going to come back to the kitchen if she hadn't heard what dad told me next. "Couldn't you've been born with an easier personality?" Then, mom came back, once again trying not to laugh.

"Gray-sama, Sylvia's personality is just like yours"

"What? No! Help me here for once, I was trying to tell them not to fight! Not that their personalities are like mine..."

"Oh, no, only Sylvia is like you. Rin is a small gender bender of me. A perfect personality." They weren't even talking to us anymore but I wanted to know where this was going...

"Why? Is it bad to have my personality?" He grabbed mom's hands putting them behind her back, but not hurting her, of course.

"No! Juvia loves your personality!" She kissed dad and he kissed her back. Dad is always the guy you should fear, but, mom has like a superpower over him than makes him different.

"We are still here..." Rin said, his head resting on his palm and his dark blue hair was intertwined with his fingers. He was saying that but he was smiling. He was the type of person to like to see this kind of stuff.

"Right... We have kids..."


"I'm kidding, I'm kidding!" Dad held up his hands in defense and got out of the room.

"Dad loves you, kids." We both nodded. We knew that. I just think that even if he loves us he still loves mom very much and wants to spend time with her. I don't blame him. I too want to spend time with- uh... No one!

"Are you thinking about Nashi again? You're blushing..." Rin's comment just made me blush more and I rushed to deny it.

"N-NO! Why would I do that? And... Dad would never approve anything that involved uncle Natsu's son."

"But if he did-"

"No!" I looked away trying to remember something to get him back. "W-What about Rosemary?"

"What? I don't like her!"

"You stalk her!" We finally realized mom was still in the room looking at us and just smiling. "H-Hey mom..."

"What do you mean dad would never approve that? Sweety, he would never forbid you from loving anyone..." My blush was back but I still thought about her words... "And if he ever does you can just tell mom and she'll make him change his mind, okay?" I smiled. It was easy to see why dad fell for mom, and dad can be amazing too.

"Now... As for stalking..." She seemed nervous. "Mom had a few moments too so... If you don't exaggerate then... Mom'll pretend she doesn't know. And also... Don't let aunt Erza find out..." Me and Rin sweat dropped looking behind her.

"You had a few moments, huh?" Mom froze and slowly turned around.

"G-Gray-sama... Juvia just... Just..."

"It's okay... As long as it was with me." Mom released a breath she had been holding since dad spoke.

"Thank god..."

"A perfect personality, no doubt about it..." She got up.

"You love Juvia's personality too." She smiled at him.

"Yes. I do." They kissed again and me and Rin got out of the room. Just in case.

It's amazing to see that after all these years, they're still each other's smile.

The End

My first fanfiction! A lot of clichê, I know... But this is the last chapter, a short one, just so you know this story ends up well. Also, I named the kids Rin and Sylvia (and also Nashi and Rosemary) because it seems to be the names everyone gives them and I'm terrible with names, but if you don't like it I can change it in the next fanfictions. Yes, cause I'm planning to do more, not cause I hope anyone reads it but because I like it.


But my next fanfiction will probably be NaruHina. So, if someone actually read this, I hope you enjoyed this one, even if I know that if you read the fanfiction, you're probably not reading this AN... Anyway... For those who are I wanted to say thank you and sorry if the story sucks... But I gave my best so I hope it's good...

Bye! 👋

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