Chapter 1

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"Aaarrgghh my hair is soooo messy!" shouted Anna

"Well obviously it's going to be messy because you just woke up!" laughed Elsa because Anna's hair was like a lions mane.

Elsa and Anna were going to magic high school for their first time.

Elsa was already set to go but Anna had loads to do before she could go, so Anna had a shower, got dressed, eat her pancakes in one gulp and squirted some chocolate sauce in her mouth.

She sat up, sighed and patted her tummy.

Elsa and Anna giggled and ran to there mum and dad's room,

"Bye mum bye dad!" shouted Elsa and Anna together in a half sad voice and half cheerful voice.

The mum and dad followed Anna and Elsa out side but before they left the mum screamed, "Anna you forgot your suitcase!".

Their mum rushed off inside the house and brought out the suitcase, she told Elsa to look after Anna and have fun.

Dad told both of them to study well especially Anna.

They both grinned and said "We will!"

Suddenly Elsa felt sad, she might not make friends and school work could be hard.

She felt her eyes tear up and hugged both her parents.

Anna shrugged and said "Can we have our chocolates now?"

"Awww come here darling,"said the mum half crying

"Aaaargh," said Anna squished

"Yes of course," said the dad "Here's your chocolate." "Elsa do you want one too? "

Elsa nodded while sniffing.

The carriage arrived to drop them of to school and they gave there mums there kiss then they went in the carriage.

They finally arrived at a 5 story building.

This is it.. Elsa thought as they went in.

They saw a oak desk with a silver bell and a lot of papers

They both took a deep breath...


What happens next?

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